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25. He ______ his head, wondering how to solve the problem.
A) scrapped
B) screwed
C) scraped
D) scratched

26. As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he ______ his parents' strict rules.
A) defied
B) refuted
C) excluded
D) vetoed

27. The helicopter _____ a light plane and both pilots were killed.
A) coincided with
B) stumbled on
C) tumbled to
D) collided with

28. To ______ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.
A) conserve
B) conceive
C) convert
D) contrive

29. Put on dark glasses or the sun will ______ you and you won' t be able to see.
A) discern
B) distort
C) distract
D) dazzle

30. In ______ times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a more favourable climate.
A) prime
B) primitive
C) primary
D) preliminary


25. D 参考译文:他挠着脑袋,思索着如何解决这个问题。
A) scrap 打斗
B) screw 旋,拧
C) scrap 刮擦
D) scratch 抓、擦

26. A 参考译文:那个男孩刚能够养活自己,就公然违抗父母的严厉管教。
A) defy 公然违抗
B) refute 反驳
C) exclude 排除
D) veto 否决

27. D 参考译文:那架直升飞机与一架轻型飞机相撞,两个飞行员均遇难了。
A) coincide with 巧合
B) stumble on 绊倒
C) tumble to 翻转
D) collide with 碰撞

28. A 参考译文:保存就是保留并爱护,把我们所喜爱的东西好好保留下来,别人也可以分享我们的快乐。
A) conserve 保存
B) conceive 设计
C) convert 转变信仰
D) contrive 谋划

29. D 参考译文:戴上墨镜,否则耀眼的阳光会让你看不见东西。
A) discern 辨别
B) distort 扭曲
C) distract 分心
D) dazzle 眩目

30. B 参考译文:在原始时代,人类长途跋涉不是为了找乐趣,而是为了寻找更加适宜的气候。
A) prime 首要的
B) primitive 原始的
C) primary 主要的
D) preliminary 初期的
