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51. Many scientists remain ________ about the value of this research program.
A) sceptical 
B) stationary 
C) spacious
D) specific

52. Depression is often caused by the ________ effects of stress and overwork..
A) total 
B) increased 
C) terrific
D) cumulative

53. A human's eyesight is not as ________ as that of an eagle.
A) eccentric 
B) acute 
C) sensible
D) sensitive

54. It is ________ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.
A) abrupt 
B) absurd 
C) adverse 
D) addictive

55. Shoes of this kind are ________ to slip on wet ground.
A) feasible 
B) appropriate 
C) apt
D) fitting

56. We'll be very careful and keep what you've told us strictly ________.
A) rigorous 
B) confidential
C) private 
D) mysterious

57. The members of Parliament were ________ that the government had not consulted them.
A) impatient 
B) tolerant 
C) crude
D) indignant

58. Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately _______ , and still others
are supported by religious organizations.
A) ensured 
B) attributed
C) authorized
D) endowed


51.[A] 参考译文:许多科学家仍然对这个研究项目的价值持怀疑态度。
本题为搭配题, be skeptical about表示"对……持怀疑态度"。
A) skeptical 怀疑的 
B) stationary 静止的 
C) spacious 宽敞的 
D) specific 具体的

52.[D] 参考译文:一个人的压抑是由于长时间的紧张和过度工作所致。
A) total 总计 
B) increased 增加了的 
C) terrific 令人恐怖的 
D) cumulative 日益积累

53.[B] 参考译文:人的视力不像鹰的眼睛一样敏锐。
A) eccentric 古怪的 
B) acute 敏锐的
C) sensible 有感觉的,明智的 
D) sensitive 敏感的

54.[B] 参考译文:即使干同样的活,女人得到的待遇却比男人的低,这的确很荒谬。
从结构上来讲,absurd后从句中一般应该用should + 原形动词。
A) abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 
B) absurd 荒谬的,可笑的
C) adverse 不利的,相反的 
D) addictive 上瘾的

55.[C] 参考译文:穿这种鞋在潮湿的地板上很容易滑倒
本题为句法搭配题。be apt to do something 表示"易于作某事"
A) feasible 可行的, 切实可行的 
B) appropriate 合适的,得体的
C) apt 易于...的, 有...倾向的, 灵敏的, 适当的 
D) fitting 适合的,相称的

56.[B] 参考译文:我们会很小心,把你告诉我们的话严格保密。
A) rigorous 严格的,严厉的 
B) confidential 保密的
C) private 私人的,私有的 
D) mysterious 神秘的

57.[D] 参考译文:国会会员对于政府没有征求他们的意见感到很气愤。
A) impatient 不耐烦 
B) tolerant 宽容的
C) crude 粗鲁的 
D) indignant 气愤的

58.[D] 参考译文:一些美国大学是州立的,其他是私人捐助的,还有一些是宗教组织支持的。
A) ensured 打包,保证 
B) attributed 归结与
C) authorized 批准
D) endowed 捐赠,赋予
