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83.The designer has applied for a ____ for his new invention.
A) tariff
B) discount
C) version
D) patent

84.The toy maker produces a ____ copy of the space station, exact in every detail.
A) minimal
B) minimum
C) miniature
D) minor

85.An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget ____.
A) disposition
B) discrepancy
C) defect
D) deficit

86.They have decided to ____ physical punishment in all local schools.
A) put away
B) break away from
C) do away with
D) pass away

87.Astronauts are ____ all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.
A) inclined to
B) subjected to
C) prone to
D) bound to

88.Individual sports are run by over 370 independent governing bodies whose functions usually include ____ rules, holding events, selecting national teams and promoting international links.
A) drawing on
B) drawing in
C) drawing up
D) drawing down

89.Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
A) restrictively
B) radically
C) inclusively
D) exclusively

90.All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor, ____ of their multicultural communities.
A) noticeable
B) indicative
C) conspicuous
D) implicit


83.D 参考译文:设计师已为他的新发明申请了专利。
A) tariff 关税
B) discount 折价
C) version 版本
D) patent 专利

84.C 参考译文:玩具商制造了一个空间站的模型,与实物完全一致。
A) minimal 最少的
B) minimum 最少
C) miniature 微小的,微型的
D) minor 少数的

85.D 参考译文:能源税可以遏制空气污染,限制石油进口并减少财政赤字。
A) disposition 处理
B) discrepancy 差异
C) defect 缺陷
D) deficit 赤字,budget deficit是固定搭配表示财政赤字

86.C 参考译文:他们决定在所有地方学校中消除体罚现象。
A) put away 使用完毕将某物收起或放入箱子,抽屉等,存款,吃喝
B) break away from 脱离,挣脱
C) do away with 废除,消除
D) pass away 去世

87.B 参考译文:宇航员在进入航天器之前需经过各种各样的测试。
A) inclined to 倾向于,后面接动词
B) subjected to 使某人经历某事
C) prone to 有...的可能,易于...,表示易产生某种不好的结果
D) bound to 将要,一定,表示必定要发生某事,后面接动词

88.C 参考译文:单项体育运动由370多个独立的管理机构掌管,他们的责任是起草规章制度,举办赛事,选拔国家队,加强国际间的联系。
A) drawing on 利用,接近
B) drawing in (白昼)渐短,(汽车或火车)到站
C) drawing up 起草,拟订
D) drawing down 引来,招致

89.D 参考译文:在那之前,他的兴趣几乎全部集中在全面的掌握手艺的技巧上。
A) restrictively 严格地
B) radically 极端地,激进地
C) inclusively 包含地,在内地
D) exclusively 唯一地

90.B 参考译文:2000年奥运会所有的仪式都带有一种独特的澳大利亚风情,这表明他们是多元文化的社会。
A) noticeable 明显的,易见的
B) indicative 表明的,表示的,常与of连用:“表明或暗示某事物”
C) conspicuous 明显的惹人注目的,常与for连用:“因某事而引人注目”
D) implicit 含蓄的,不明确的,常与in连用:“implicit in sth.某事物不明确”
