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99.The results are hardly ____;he cannot believe they are accurate.
A) credible
B) contrary
C) critical
D) crucial

100.This new laser printer is ____ with all leading software.
A) comparable
B) competitive
C) compatible
D) cooperative

101.The ball ____ two or three times before rolling down the slope.
A) swayed
B) bounced
C) hopped
D) darted

102.He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and ____ it in a single nod,a gesture boys used then for O.K. when they were pleased.
A) shrugged
B) tugged
C) jerked
D) twisted

103.Many types of rock are ____ from volcanoes as solid,fragmentary material.
A) flung
B) propelled
C) ejected
D) injected

104. With prices ____ so much,it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.
A) vibration
B) fluctuating
C) fluttering
D) swinging

105.The person who ____ this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise.
A) originated
B) speculated
C) generated
D) manufactured

106.____ that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate,it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.
A) Concerning
B) Ascertaining
C) Assuming
D) Regarding


A) credible 可信的
B) contrary 相反的,结果不精确不一定就是相反的
C) critical 评论的,鉴定的,批评的,危急的
D) crucial 至关紧要的

A) comparable 可比较的,同类事物的比较
B) competitive 竞争的
C) compatible 可兼顾的,可协调的,和谐的
D) cooperative 合作的

A) swayed 摇摆
B) bounced 反弹,弹跳,尤指撞击物体或物体表面后弹回
C) hopped 单脚跳(鸟,蛙等)跳跃,指人和动物的跳跃动作
D) darted 飞奔,投掷

A) shrugged 耸肩
B) tugged 拖,拉(一个物体)
C) jerked 猛拉,急推,只有它能与head连用,如Hejerked his head back(他猛地回过头来)
D) twisted 扭曲,扭弯,身体和表情都可以扭曲,但是头不能

A) flung 猛投,掷,抛
B) propelled 推进,驱使
C) ejected 逐出,喷射,eject from意思是从内部喷射出来,吐出,强调的是由于内部的压力或是推力而往外的喷射
D) injected 注射(药液)

A) vibration 使振动,使摇摆
B) fluctuating 变动,波动,(价格)涨落,多指价格和情绪波动,如Prices fluctuate from year to year(价格年年波动)
C) fluttering 鼓翼,漂动,悸动,乱跳,烦扰,如My heart fluttered wildly(我的心猛烈跳动着)
D) swinging 摇摆,摆动,回转,旋转,如Swinging his arms(挥动他的手臂)

A) originated 发明,发起,创办,英文解释为have sth.as beginning,强调的是开始,如originated the practice of monthly reports(开创了每月报告的惯例)
B) speculated 推测,思索,做投机买卖
C) generated 英文解释为cause sth. to happen,导致,引起,如generate a discussion(造成一场争论)
D) manufactured 制造,加工

A) Concerning 涉及,关系到
B) Ascertaining 确定,探知
C) Assuming 假定,设想,采取,呈现
D) Regarding 看待,当作,重视,尊敬
