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114.How much of your country's electrical supply is ____ from water power?
A) deduced
B) detached
C) derived
D) declined

115.She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company's client data,which she intended to ____ in starting her own business.
A) dwell on
B) come upon
C) base on
D) draw upon

116.The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are ____.
A) intricate
B) fragile
C) subtle
D) crisp

117.Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only ____ the crisis.
A) accelerates
B) prevails
C) ascends
D) precedes

118.He blew out the candle and ____ his way to the door.
A) converged
B) groped
C) strove
D) wrenched

119.Often such arguments have the effect of ____ rather than clarifying the issues involved.
A) obscuring
B) prejudicing
C) tackling
D) blocking

120.I found it difficult to ____ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.
A) consolidate
B) intensify
C) amend
D) reconcile

121.It is fortunate for the old couple that their son's career goals and their wishes for him ____.
A) coincide
B) collaborate
C) comply
D) conform


114.C 参考译文:你们国家的电力供应中,水力发电占多大比例?
A) deduced 推论,演绎
B) detached 分开,分离
C) derived 得自,起源
D) declined 下降

115.D 参考译文:她最近辞去了一份工作,并擅自取走该公司的客户资料,打算自己开公司时使用。
A) dwell on 细想,祥述
B) come upon 突然产生,要求
C) base on 基于
D) draw upon 利用

116.B 参考译文:玻璃器皿要小心使用,因为它们易碎。
A) intricate 复杂的,错综的
B) fragile 易碎的,脆的
C) subtle 敏感的,微妙的
D) crisp 脆的,(天气)干冷的,多用来表示食物

117.A 参考译文:山坡上的树木被砍光了,种上了庄稼,但这只会激化危机。
A) accelerates 加速,促进
B) prevails 流行
C) ascends 攀登,上升
D) precedes 领先

118.B 参考译文:他吹灭了蜡烛,摸索着走到门口。
A) converged 会聚
B) groped 摸索
C) strove 努力,奋斗
D) wrenched 猛扭

119.A 参考译文:这些争论的效果往往是使问题更加模糊,而不是澄清涉及到的问题。
A) obscuring 使暗,使模糊
B) prejudicing 存在偏见
C) tackling 解决,处理
D) blocking 妨碍,阻碍

120.D 参考译文:我觉得很难将自己的事业雄心和带孩子的需求统一起来。
A) consolidate 巩固
B) intensify 加强
C) amend 修正
D) reconcile 使一致

121.A 参考译文:老俩口感到庆幸的是,儿子自己的事业目标和他们对儿子的期望一致。
A) coincide 一致
B) collaborate 合作
C) comply 顺从
D) conform 符合
