
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情



202.Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to _____ the food supply.
A) enhance
B) curb
C) disrupt
D) heighten

203. Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant _____.
A) paradoxes
B) paradises
C) galaxies
D) shuttles

204. Many great scientists _____ their success to hard work.
A) portray
B) ascribe
C) impart
D) acknowledge

205. The sign set up by the road _____ drivers to a sharp turn.
A) alerts
B) refreshes
C) pleads
D) diverts

206. The doctors don't _____ that the patient will live much longer.
A) monitor
B) manifest
C) articulate
D) anticipate

207. Call your doctor for advice if the _____ persist for more than a few days.
A) responses
B) signals
C) symptoms
D) reflections

208. We find it impossible to _____ with the latest safety regulations.
A) accord
B) unify
C) obey
D) comply

209. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _____ in presenting the series of lectures on American literature.
A) alter
B) alternate
C) substitute
D) exchange



A) enhance 尤指在价值,价格,力量,吸引力等抽象方面的增加
B) curb 抑制,控制
C) disrupt 使分裂,使瓦解
D) heighten 提高,升高,尤指数量,程度等方面的提高

A) paradoxes 似是而非的论点
B) paradises 天堂
C) galaxies 星系
D) shuttles 航空器

A) portray 描述,描写
B) ascribe 归功于,归咎于
C) impart 将(某性质)赋予,给予(某事物)
D) acknowledge 承认

A) alerts 提醒,警告
B) refreshes 使振作,使恢复活力
C) pleads 恳求,plead with sb. for sth.恳求某人做某事
D) diverts 转移

A) monitor 监控
B) manifest 显示
C) articulate 表达
D) anticipate 预料

A) responses 反应,响应
B) signals 信号,标志
C) symptoms 症状,征兆
D) reflections 反映,深思

A) accord 相符合,相一致 accord with sth.指事物与某事物相符
B) unify 使统一,使一致,不和with连用
C) obey 服从,遵守
D) comply 遵守,服从,comply with sth.遵守某事

A) alter 改变,修改
B) alternate 轮流,交替
C) substitute 代替,substitute A for B由A替换B
D) exchange 交换,调换
