
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情

六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇2


Part Ⅲ Vocabulary(20 minutes)

41. This song _____ his life’s dream and ardent love of life.
A) incorporated B) initiated C) exposed D)embodied

42. Every time I listen to Tchaikovsky, I found myself _____ in the beauty of the works by one of the most artistically creative composers.
A) submerged B) soaked C) sucked D)immersed

43. Benjamin Franklin _____ and presented to Congress, on the 21st of July, a plan of confederation.
A) draw in B) draw on C) draw up D)draw down

44. The day when he first arrived in Chicago _____ distinctly in his memory.
A) stands down B) stands in C) stands out D)stands up

45. In regard to those ancient emperors, we  them in the _____ of their times.
A) content B) context C) contest D)contention

46. It is said that the reconstruction of the Grand Theatre is a _____ project of Shanghai government this year.
A) prestige B) superiority C) priority D)publicity

47. The price of the real estate in this area may _____ to unexpected values, so everyone should be conscious of the maximum price that he would want to pay for a particular property.
A) stagger B) shrink C) soar D)suspend

48. With the Chinese economy expected to continue its strong performance, ability to speak the Chinese language will be an _____ of greater and greater value.
A) asset B) ethic C) inventory D)obligation

49. People with a great deal of _____ often have admiring friends and bitter enemies.
A) quality B) appearance C) personality D)character

50. Such a toy with musical sounds and animal noises will _____ any young child.
A) dismay B) astonish C) fascinate D)perplex

51. After reading _____ of books by great authors for some time, the boy decided to go on to read the originals.
A) themes B) insights C) digests D)leaflets

52. In my belief, some of the comments in the movie about the job market are actually _____ of real?life difficulties in find a good job after graduation from universities.
A) reflections B) demonstrations C) illuminations D)reproductions

53. In the poem, he depicted the happy _____ of girls playing on a swing in early spring.
A) perspective B) view C) landscape D)scene

54. Radical social changes transformed the common _____ of life in the countryside more slowly than in towns and cities.
A) scales B) patterns C) grades D)ranks

55. Contrary to popular belief, epidemics do not occur _____ after a natural disaster.
A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D)instantaneously

56. She _____ all criticism and went on with her project.
A) warded off B) shrugged off C) gave away D)set aside

57. Looking back upon the whole process, we have every reason to _____ our success to Mary who suggested the right method at the beginning.
A) ascribe B) ascertain C) aspire D)assert

58. Overpopulation has greatly _____ the development of this city.
A) rectified B) hampered C) averted D)discarded

59. The teacher _____ from her custom and gave no assignments for the weekend.
A) deviated B) disconnected C) detached D)distorted

60. Immigration from countries and cultures that are _____ with the cultural core of this nation has been generally prohibited.
A) interior B) invisible C) incompatible D)integral

61. The little chair _____ when the fat man sat down on it without thinking.
A) crushed B) collapsed C) crumpled D)yielded

62. Your afternoon sightseeing will _____ famous landmarks and monuments including the White House, Embassy Row, the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
A) highlight B) underline C) activate D)upgrade

63. Films of this sort have lost their _____ for many Spanish young people.
A) appeal B) pledge C) image D)survival

64. This course is designed to help children _____ such real?life situations as separation and loss.
A) cope with B) settle down C) intervene in D)interfere with

65. Foreign language teachers of this university are busy designing a test of spoken English to _____ the original written examination.
A) contaminate B) compliment C) complement D)coordinate

66. Her chief _____ was her not packing a raincoat for her trip to Yunnan last July.
A) drawback B) handicap C) bruise D)blunder

67. Idlers, no matter how poor they are, are always _____ at finding reasons not to take action to improve their living conditions.
A) intrinsic B) ingenious C) initial D)inherent

68. As the graduation is drawing near, every student began to _____ his future.
A) compensate B) contemplate C) jeopardize D)manifest

69. The investigation gives support to the _____ between profit and top manager?s pay.
A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D)illusion

70. It advocated by the book that a man, no matter how _____ his origin may be, can be successful with unremitting efforts and strong will.
A) inferior B) awkward C) minor D)humble#p#分页标题#e#

41. D) 考点 动词辨析。 A) incorporate(1)“包含,加上,吸收”(2)“把…合并,使并入”;B) initiate(1)“开始,创始,发起”(2)“使初步了解”(3)“接纳(新成员),让…加入”;C) expose(1)“暴露,显露”(2)(to)“使处于作用(或影响)之下,曝光”(3)“揭露,袒露”;D) embody (1)“使具体化,具体表现,体现” (2)“包括,包含,收入”。这正是正确答案,句中就是第一种意思: To embody an idea or quality means to be a symbol or expression of that idea or quality. 就是作为某种思想或品质的标志或表达方式的意思,也就是把抽象的意思具体地表现了出来,如:The sculpture embodies the artist?s love of nature.

42. D) 考点 动词辨析。A) submerge vi. “潜入水中” vt. “浸没,淹没”;B) soak (1)“浸泡”(2)“(使)湿透,渗透”;C) suck “吸,吮”;D) immerse(1)“使浸没”(2)“(in)使沉浸在,使专心于”。D)为正确选项,这里是第二种意思,即全身心地投入某事之中。

43. C) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) draw in(1)“(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短”(2)“(汽车或火车)到站”;B) draw on(1)“吸,抽(烟)”(2)“动用,利用”(3)“临近,接近”;C) draw up(1)“起草,拟订”(2)“(使)停住”;D) draw together “使…团结起来,使…一致”。C)为正确选项,句中是第一种意思。

44. C) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) stand down “退出(比赛或竞选),(从某职位上)退下”;B) stand in“代替,代表,做替身”;C) stand out (1)“清晰地显出,引人注目”(2)“杰出,出色”;D) stand up(1)“站起来”(2)“(论点、论据等)站得住脚”。C)是正确答案,该词组最早是第一种意思,如:Robin?s red hair made him stand out in a crowd. 后来引申为第二种意思,也就是“比同类的其它事物更好或更重要”的意思,如:He played the piano, and he stood out from all the other musicians.

45. B) 考点 名词辨析。A) content(1)[pl.]“所容纳的东西,所含之物”(2)[pl.]“(书等的)内容,目录”(3)“含量,成分”;B) context(1)“背景,环境”(2)“上下文,语境”;C) contest (1)“竞赛,比赛”(2)“争夺,竞争”;D) contention (1)“论点”(2)“争论,争辩”。B)项为正确答案,在语言研究中,该词为语境的意思,这里是第一种意思。

46. C) 考点 名词辨析。A) prestige“威信,威望”;B)superiority“优越(性),优等”;C)priority (1)“优先(权),重点”(2)“优先考虑的事”;该项为正确答案,它的意思是某事是你必须做的最重要的事,或者必须放在别的事情前面做的事情。D) publicity(1)“公众的注意,名声”(2)“宣传,宣扬”。

47. C) 考点 动词辨析。A) stagger vi. “摇晃,蹒跚” vt. (1)“使吃惊”(2)“使错开,使交错”;B) shrink vi.(1)“起皱,收缩”(2)“退缩,畏缩” vt. “使起皱,使收缩”;C) soar (1)“猛增,剧增”(2)“高飞,升腾”(3)“(情绪、期望等)高涨”(4)“高耸,屹立”;D) suspend (1)“暂停,中止”(2)“悬,挂,吊”。C)为正确答案,该词常考。

48. A) 考点 名词辨析。A) asset(1)“有价值的人(或物),优点,长处”(2)[常pl.] “资产,财产”;B) ethic“道德准则,行为准则,伦理标准”;C) inventory“详细目录,存货清单”;D) obligation“义务,责任”。A)为正确答案,这里是“有用的、能帮助某人或组织成功的某事或某人”的意思。

49. C) 考点 名词辨析。A) quality(1)“质,质量”(2)“品德,品质”(3)“性质,特性”;B) appearance(1)“出现,显露,露面”(2)“外观,外貌,外表”;C) personality(1)“人格,个性”(2)“人物,名人”;D) character(1)“性格,品质,品德”(2)“性质,特性,特色”(3)“人物,角色”(4)“(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字”。C)是正确答案。该题难,A)与人有关的意思有二,一是人本质中的优良品质(可数),二是某一种特定的品质。D)指使某人与他人不同的所有品质(qualities) 的总和,如果说某人has character,指的是他有能力处理艰难的或危险的情形。C)指人整体的性格(character)和本质(nature)。如果说某人has personality,意思就是说他具有很强的、引人注目的性格。可以看出,句中with a lot of personality正是has personality的变体。

50. C) 考点 动词辨析。A) dismay(1)“使失望,使气馁”(2)“使惊恐,使惊愕”;B) astonish“使惊讶”;C) fascinate“强烈地吸引,迷住”;D) perplex“使困惑,使费解,使复杂化”。细看本句可看出答案为C)。

51. C) 考点 名词辨析。A) theme “主题,题目”;B) insight“洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解”; C) digest“文摘”;D) leaflet“传单,散页印刷品,小册子”。此题选C)。

52. A) 考点 名词辨析。A) reflection(1)“印象,倒映”(2)“反射”(3)“反映,表达”(4)“深思,考虑,反省”;B) demonstration(1)“论证,证明”(2)“说明,演示”(3)“显示,表露”;C) illumination(1)“照明,照亮”(2)“阐明,启发”;D) reproduction (1)“再生(产),再生产过程”(2)“繁殖,生殖”(3)“复制,复制品”。此题选A),是第三种意思。

53. D) 考点 名词辨析。A) perspective(1)“视角,观点,想法”(2)“远景,景观”(3)“透视画法,透视图”;B) view(1)“看法,见解,观点”(2)“观察,视域,眼界”(3)“景色,风景”;C) landscape(1)“风景,景色”(2)“风景画”(3)“全景”;D) scene(1)“(戏剧的)一场,(电影、电视的)一个镜头,(小说等的)一节”(2)“(戏剧、事件等发生的)地点,背景,现场”(3)“景色,景象”(4)“舞台”。D)为正确答案,是第三种意思。

54. B) 考点 名词辨析。A) scale(1)“大小,规模”(2)“等级,级别”(3)“刻度,标度”;B) pattern(1)“型,模式,样式”(2)“花样,图案”;C) grade(1)“等级,级别”(2)“成绩,分数”(3)“(学校的)年级”;D) rank(1)“军衔,职衔”(2)“地位,社会阶层”(3)“排,行列”。此题选B),为第一种意思。该词意为事情发生或做事情的重复或有规律的方法。

55. A) 考点 副词辨析。A) spontaneously(1)“自发地,无意识地”(2)“自然的,天真率直的”;B) simultaneously “同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的”;C) homogeneously“同种类的,同性质的;有相同特征的”;D) instantaneously “瞬间的,即刻的”。经典题目,选A)。

56. B) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) ward off “防止,避开”;B) shrug off “对…满不在乎,对…不屑一顾”;C) give away(1)“赠送”(2)“泄露”;D) set aside (1)“留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)”(2)“把…置于一旁,不理会”。该题目的正确答案为B,注意不能选D),因为其第二个意思指的是决定不受某想法、原则或感觉的影响。

57. A) 考点 动词辨析。A) ascribe(1)“把…归因于”(2)“把…归属于”,后接介词to;B) ascertain “查明,弄清,确定”;C) aspire“渴望,追求,有志于”;D) assert (1)“肯定地说,断言”(2)“维护,坚持”。该题选A)。

58. B) 考点 动词辨析。A) rectify“纠正,修复”;B) hamper“妨碍,束缚,限制”;C) avert (1)“防止,避免”(2)“转移(目光,注意力等)”;D) discard “丢弃,抛弃”。该题选B),为常考重点词汇。

59. A) 考点 动词辨析。A) deviate“背离,偏离”,后加介词from;B) disconnect“拆开,分离,断开”;C) detach“拆卸,使分开,使分离”,后加介词from;D) distort(1)“歪曲,曲解”;(2)“扭曲,使变形”。该题选A),注意所接的介词,常考。

60. C) 考点 形容词辨析。A) interior(1)“内部的”(2)“内地的,国内的”;B) invisible“看不见的,无形的”;C) incompatible“不能和谐相处的,合不来的,不协调的,不相容的,不一致的”;后接介词with;D) integral“构成整体所必需的,基本的”。该题选C)。

61. B) 考点 动词辨析。A) crush(1)“压碎,碾碎,弄皱”(2)“镇压,制服,压垮”;B) collapse(1)“倒塌,塌下”(2)“崩溃,突然失败”;C) crumple (1)“(使)皱,扭曲”(2)“(使)崩溃,(使)倒塌”;D) yield vi.(1)“(to)屈服,顺从”(2)“倒塌,垮掉”;vt.(1)“产生,出产”(2)“让出,放弃”。该题选B)。不能选C),该词用在物上的意思是弄皱。

62. A) 考点 动词辨析。A) highlight “强调,突出,使显著”;B) underline(1)“在…下面划线”(2)“强调,使突出”;C) activate“使活动起来,使开始起作用”;D) upgrade“提升,使升级”。该题选A),名词形式也是重点,近年来常考。

63. A) 考点 名词辨析。A) appeal(1)“呼吁,恳求”(2)“感染力,吸引力”(3)“申诉,上诉”;B) pledge“保证,誓言”;C) image(1)“形象,声誉”(2)“印象”(3)“像,映像,图像”(4)“形象的描述,象征,比喻”;D) survival(1)“幸存,继续生存”(2)“幸存者,残存物”。该题选A),是第二种意思。

64. A) 考点 动词词组辨析。A) cope with“(成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理”;B) settle down (1) “定居,过安定的生活”(2)“平静下来”(3)“定下心来”;C) intervene in(1)“干涉,干预”(2)“干扰,阻挠”;D) interfere with(1)“干涉,介入”(2)“妨碍,干扰”。该题选A),注意掌握动词词组的意思。

65. C) 考点 动词辨析。A) contaminate “弄脏,污染”;B) compliment“赞美,恭维”;C) complement“补充,与…相配”;D) coordinate“调节,协调”。该题选C)。

66. D) 考点 名词辨析。A) drawback“缺点,欠缺,不利条件”;B) handicap(1)“(身体或智力方面的)缺陷”(2)“障碍,不利条件”;C) bruise(1)“青肿,挫伤”(2)“(水果等的)伤痕,擦痕”;D) blunder“(因无知、粗心等造成的)错误”,此项为正确答案。

67. B) 考点 形容词辨析。A) intrinsic“固有的,本质的,内在的”;B) ingenious(1)“(物件等)设计独特的,(方法等)别致的,巧妙的”(2)“(人、头脑)灵巧的,善于创造发明的”;C) initial“开始的,最初的”;D) inherent“(in)内在的,固有的,生来就有的”。该题选B)。

68. B) 考点 动词辨析。A) compensate“补偿,弥补,抵消”;B) contemplate(1)“盘算,计议”(2)“思量,对…周密考虑”(3)“注视,凝视”;这个词是及物动词,这里是第二个意思,为正确答案;C) jeopardize“危及,损害”;D) manifest(1)“显示,表明,证明”(2)“使显现,使显露”。

69. C) 考点 名词辨析。A) analogy“比拟,类比,类推”;B) paradox(1)“似乎矛盾而(可能)正确的说法”(2)“自相矛盾的人(或事物)”;C) correlation“相关,关联”;常接介词between,为正确选项;D) illusion(1)“幻想,错误的观念”(2)“错觉,幻觉,假象”。

70. D) 考点 形容词辨析。A) inferior(1)“(质量等)劣等的、次的”(2)“(地位、等级等)下级的”;B) awkward(1)“尴尬的,棘手的”(2)“难操纵的,使用不便的”(3)“笨拙的,不灵巧的”;C) minor(1)“较少的,较小的”(2)“次要的”;D) humble(1)“谦逊的,谦虚的”(2)“地位(或身份)低下的,卑贱的”(3)“简陋的,低劣的”;humble专门有“社会地位低的”这个意思,且常与origin搭配,故答案应选D)。
