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六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇3


41.The football club decide to ____ its working contract with the head coach because of its team’s poor performance during his coaching.
A) diminish B) diffuseC) preclude D) terminate

42.Astronomers were happy to know that their ____  the universe were correct.
A) philosophy B) assumptionsC) descriptions D) consumptions

43.There a canal was being built to ____ commerce between the two countries.
A) allocate B) facilitateC) induce D) furnish

44.Her desire to ____ other people has caused great trouble in her family.
A) prevail B) promoteC) dominate D) exemplify

45.They had the greatest difficulties ____ during the journey to Antarctica.
A) imaginary B) imaginativeC) imaginable D) imaginal

46.It is clear that lack of education will greatly ____ the laid-off workers from getting a job again.
A) hamper B) confuseC) perplex D) reverse

47.His contribution to the program was ____ because 99 percent of the work was completed by his colleagues.
A) invisible B) negligibleC) appreciable D) considerable

48.The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their ____.
A) integrity B) compactness C) installment D) flexibility

49.____ the success of the product depends on its good quality.
A) Objectively B) Ultimately C) Absolutely D) Relatively

50.Our TV license will ____ next month, so we  a new one.
A) abolish B) amend C) expire D) constrain

51.The party will ____their leader very determinedly.
A) adhere to B) coincide withC) cling to D) depend on

52.He knows the regulations, and if he refuses to ____ with them he must take the consequence.
A) accord B) assistB) confirm D)comply

53.An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by ____ buyers.
A) perspective B) prospective C) prosperous D) profitabl

54.I have been ____ to the newspaper for ten years.
A) ascribing B) subscribing C) ordering D) purchasing

55.The Chinese diplomatic envoys were sent who should strengthen our international position and strive for world peace and friendly____ among peoples.
A) collaboration B) harmony C) coordination D) intercourse

41.【答案】D。【译文】由于主教练在任职期间球队成绩很差,这家足球俱乐部决定终止与他的工作合同。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】 diminish v. 指“(使)减少,(使)变小”;diffuse v. 指“扩散,传播”;preclude v. 指“阻止,排除”;terminate v.指“停止,终止”。
42.【答案】B。【译文】天文学家们很高兴地看到是他们关于宇宙中的恒星的假设是正确的。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】philosophy 指“哲学”;assumption 指“假定,设想”;description 指“描写,记述”;consumption 指“消费”。
43.【答案】B。【译文】在那里正在修建一条运河以推动两国间的商业贸易。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】allocate 指“分派,分配”;facilitate 指“使便利,促进”;induce 指“劝诱,促使”;furnish 指“提供,布置”。
44.【答案】C。【译文】她想支配他人的欲望在家庭中引起了极大的麻烦。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】prevail 是不及物动词,指“盛行,成功”;promote 指“促进,提升”;dominate 指“支配,控制”; exemplify 指“例证,例示”。
45.【答案】C。【译文】他们在前往南极的途中遭遇了可以预见的最大困难。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】imaginary 指“想象的,虚构的”; imaginative 指“有想象力的”;imaginable 指“可以想象的”;imaginal 指“形象的,有关想象的”。
46.【答案】A。【译文】很显然,缺少教育背景会极大地妨碍下岗工人再就业。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】hamper 指“妨碍,牵制”,与prevent同义;confuse 指“搞乱,使糊涂”;perplex 指“使为难,使困惑”;reverse 指“颠倒,倒转”。
47.【答案】B。【译文】他对这个项目的贡献是微不足道的,因为百分之九十九的工作都是他的同事完成的。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】 invisible 指“看不见的,无形的”;negligible 指“可以忽略的,微不足道的”;appreciable 指“可感知的,可评估的”;considerable 指“相当可观的,值得考虑的”。
48.【答案】A。【译文】罗马的老城墙也许现在仍然看得见,不过不完整。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】integrity 指“完整,完全”,in one’s integrity 是习惯搭配,意为“完整,原封不动”;compactness 指“紧密,简洁”;installment 指“分期付款“;flexibility 指“弹性,灵活性”。
49.【答案】B。【译文】一种产品要取得成功最终还得靠其良好的质量。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】objectively 指“客观的”;ultimately 指“最终,根本上”;absolutely 指“完全地,绝对地”;relatively 指“相对地”。
50.【答案】C。【译文】我们的电视收视许可证下个月到期,所以到时要办个新的。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】abolish 指“废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)”; amend 指“修正,改进”;expire 指“期满,届满”;constrain 指“抑制,强迫”。
51.【答案】C。【译文】党将坚定不移地团结在自己的 领袖周围。【试题分析】近义短语辨义题。【详细解答】adhere to 指“坚持,坚信(观点、意见、计划等);coincide with 指“与一致(相符、相同)”;cling to 指“抓住不放,依附于(某人),坚持”;depend on 指“依靠,依赖”。
52.【答案】D。【译文】他知道这些规章制度,如果他不遵守的话就必须承担后果。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】accord 指“一致,调和”;assist 指“援助,帮助”;confirm 指“确定,批准”;comply是不及物动词,后面with介词,指“遵守,顺从”。
53.【答案】B。【译文】拍卖通常先登广告,告之要拍卖物品的详情以及有意向的购买者能够看见拍卖品的地点和时间。【试题分析】形近词辨义题。【详细解答】perspective 是个名词,其它三个词是形容词。perspective指“远景,前途,观点”;prospective 指“预期的,盼望中的”;prosperous 指“繁荣的”;profitable 指“有利可图的”。
54.【答案】B。【译文】我订阅这种报纸已经十年了。【试题分析】形近、近义辨析题。【详细解答】ascribe 是及物动词,其句型为:ascribe... to...(把……归因于……,把……归咎于……);subscribe 既作及物动词又作不及物动词,作不及物动词时后接介词to或for,意为“订阅,预定,捐款等”,它在本句作不及物动词;order 指“定购”,purchase 指“购买”,这两个词都是及物动词。
55.【答案】D。【译文】中国外交使节被派遣出国以加强我国的国际地位,争取世界和平和各国人民之间的友好往来。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】collaboration 指“协作,通敌”;harmony 指“协调,融洽”;coordination指“同等,调和”; intercourse指“交往,交流”。
