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Passage Two  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

In 58 million homes, the VCR has become nearly as much as the family car. But despite the VCR’s advantages, video buffs complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs awkwardly cabled together. No wonder, then, that fans at Chicago’s Consumer Electronics Show last week were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback. Moreover, its appearance was a triumph over wellwired opposition in Tokyo and Hollywood.

The center of the excitement was the first dualdeck videotape recorder available to US consumers, the VCR2, made by the tiny Arizonabased GoVideo company.The VCR2 enables its users to make highquality duplicates of prerecorded tapes easily. It also lets viewers watch a tape  recording off the air. GoVideo hopes to have a limited supply of the VCR2 in stores by Christmastime, priced at just under $1,000.

But the machine’s move from freezeframe to fasterforward has not been easy. For starters, GoVideo could find no Japanese companies, which control manufacture of crucial VCR parts, willing to provide needed components. For another thing, US movie studios opposed the machine. So the company sued 15 Japanese and Korean makers, plus the Hollywood studios, claiming restrain of trade. Several manufactures have now settled with GoVideo, and Korea’s Smsung, is tooling up to produce the VCR2. Meanwhile, Hollywood has modified its opposition because GoVideo agreed to install circuitry that will prevent the VCR2 from copying movies protected by antitheft coding. Still movie makers may see double for a while. Many of the films on store shelves, including hot new rentals like Coming to America and Crocodile Dundee Ⅱ, do not contain the coding.

26.VCR has many advantages, but it also has  lie in ____.
A) it’s not easy to duplicate prerecorded movies
B) it can not duplicate prerecorded movies
C) it can not be operated easily
D) it takes too long to duplicate prerecorded movies

27.According to the passage, the suitable word which can replace “drawback” is ____.
A) breakthrough B) advantageC) barrier D) function

28.What’s the advantages of VCR2
A) It can make highquality duplicates of prerecorded tapes easily.
B) It can let viewers watch a tape  recording off the air.
C) It can duplicate prerecorded movies clearly.
D) Both A and B.

29.Why did GoVideo company sue Japanese makers
A) Because Japanese makers are tooling up to produce the VCR2.
B) Because no Japanese companies are willing to sell needed components.
C) Because Japanese makers like to cooperate with Korean counterparts.
D) Because Japanese makers compete with them.

30.Hollywood began to cooperate with GoVideo Company, because ____.
A) US consumers will have to pay rentals for duplicating movies
B) VCR2 will be installed circuitry to prevent it from copying movies protected by antitheft coding
C) with the help of VCR2, the movies are more popular
D) Govideo company can copy movies without the permission of Hollywood studios.


26. 【答案】A。【译文】录像机有很多优点,但它也有不足,表现在____。【试题分析】细节题。找到相应段落即可找到答案。【详细解答】文中提到 “But despite the VCR’s advantages, video butts complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRsawkwardly cabled together.”由此可知,答案A是对的。

27. 【答案】C。【译文】根据文章内容,最适合替代“drawback”的词是____。【试题分析】词义题。根据上下文猜测文中某词的意思。【详细解答】文中提到“limits”,还提到“awkwardly cabled together”以及“eliminates the drawback.”由此可知,选项C是对的。

28. 【答案】D。【译文】新产品VCR2的优点是什么【试题分析】细节题。找到相应段落即可找到答案。【详细解答】文中第一段提到“The VCR2 enables its users to make high-quality duplicates of prerecorded tapes easily. It also lets viewers watch a tape  recording off the air.”由此可知,选项D是最佳答案。

29. 【答案】B。【译文】为什么Go-Video公司起诉日本生产商【试题分析】细节题,找到相应文字即可知道答案。【详细解答】文中提到“Go- video could find no Japanese companies, which control manufacture of crucial VCR parts, willing to provide needed components.”因此选项B是对的。

30. 【答案】B。【译文】好莱坞开始同Go-video 公司合作,因为____。【试题分析】因果关系题,也是细节题。【详细解答】起初好莱坞也是Go-video公司起诉对象,后来“Go-video agreed to install circuitry that will prevent the VCR2 from copying movies protected by anti-theft coding.” 因此选项B是对的。
