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六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇17


56.Each individual is requested to state the ____ on which his judgments are based.
A) requirements B) measuresC) legislations D) criteria

57.Inside the machine is an____arrangement of wires.
A) incredible B) internalC) intricate D) initial

58.With the popularity of the Internet, both commercial computers and personal ones are more ____ to the computer viruses than ever before.
A) liable B)vulnerableC) subjective D) subordinate

59.The portion of the total income of China’s railways which comes from carrying cargo is____80 percent.
A) consequently B) roughly C) comparatively D) incidentally

60.The students, ____ reading their books, did not observe me enter the classroom.
A) deficient in B) adequate forC) short of D) intent on

61.The ____ from childhood to manhood is often a difficult time for a young man.
A) transition B) transformationC) transfer D) transmissi

62.Such a (n)____ person has got to the top of the company! That’s more than I bargained for.
A) responsible B) illegalC) notorious D) illegitimate

63. There are several possible explanations for the greater job____ in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.
A) creativity B) securityC) sensitivity D) stability

64.Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished telling the ____ tale.
A) pathetic B) patriotic C) panic D) periodic

65.That day the teacher ____ from her custom and gave out no homework.
A) disconnected B) distortedC) detached D) deviated

66.A man who always ____ his salary can never become very wealthy.
A) anticipate B) articulateC) manifest D) monitor

67.Mr. Jackson feels very happy that he has derived a good deal of benefit ____ the investment in the city.
A) with B) of C) from D) upon

68.The meaning of this poem is very ____; I really do not understand it.
A) conspicuous B) intelligibleC) obscure D) dim

69.The very ____ of justice lies in the right of every man to a fair trial.
A) content B) essenceC) threshold D) texture

70.Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____ with each other.
A) comparable B) compatibleC) competitive D) complacent

56.【答案】D。【译文】要求每个人陈述自己的判断所依据的标准。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】requirement 指“要求,必要条件”;measure 指“测量,量度标准”;legislation指“立法,法律的制定”; criterion指“(批评、判断的)标准,准据,规范”,criteria是它的复数形式。
57.【答案】C。【译文】机器里面的线路很复杂。【试题分析】形近词辨义题。【详细解答】incredible 指“难以置信的”;internal 指“内在的,国内的”;intricate 指“复杂的,错综的”;initial 指“最初的,词首的”。
58.【答案】B。【译文】随着互联网的普及,无论是商用电脑还是个人电脑都比以前任何时候更容易遭受电脑病毒的攻击。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】be liable to sth.指“易受……的影响,有……的倾向”; be vulnerable to sth. 指“易受……的攻击”;subjective 指“主观的,个人的”;subordinate指“从属的,下级的”。
59.【答案】B。【译文】来自货运部分的收入约占中国铁路总收入的百分之八十。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】consequently 指“因此,从而”;roughly 指“大约,概略地”;comparatively指“比较地,相当地”; incidentally指“附带地,顺便提及”。
60.【答案】D。【译文】学生们专心看书,没有注意到我进了教室。【试题分析】短语辨义题。【详细解答】(be) deficient in 指“缺乏……”;(be )adequate for 指“足够,合适”;(be )short of 指“缺欠,达不到”;(be) intent on指“专心,专注”。
61.【答案】A。【译文】从童年到成年的转变对于年青人来说通常是个艰难的时期。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】transition 指“转变,过度”,后常接介词组from...to... 意为“从……到……的转换”;transformation 指“转化,改革”;transfer 指“迁移,转移”;transmission指“传输,传送”。
62.【答案】C。【译文】这样一个声名狼藉的人竟然坐上了公司的头把交椅,这完全出乎我的意料。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】 responsible 指“负责的,可靠的”;illegal 指“违法的,不规定的”;notorious 指“声名狼藉的”;illegitimate 指“违法的,私生的”。
63.【答案】D。【译文】相对于美国工作的较大流动性而言,在日本工作具有更大的稳定性。对此人们做出了几种可能的解释。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】在做本题时要注意题干中mobility(流动性)一词,它与stability(稳定性)形成了鲜明的对比;creativity 指“创造力,创造性”;security 指“安全”;sensitivity 指“敏感性,灵敏性”。
64.【答案】A。【译文】当他讲完那个悲惨故事时全场几乎每个人都哭了。【试题分析】形近词辨义题。【详细解答】pathetic 指“悲惨的,可怜的”,与sad意思相近;patriotic 指“爱国的,有爱国心的”;panic 指“惊慌,恐慌”;periodic 指“周期的,定期的”。
65.【答案】D。【译文】那天老师破例没有布置家庭作业。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】disconnect 指“拆开,分离”;distort 指“扭曲,歪曲(事实、真理等)”;detach 指“分开,分离”;deviate指“背离,偏离,离题”,它常作不及物动词,后接介词from。
66.【答案】A。【译文】凡是总指望靠工资吃饭的人决不可能很富裕。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】anticipate 指“预期,期望”,与expect, look forward to意思相近;articulate 指“用关节连接,清晰明白的说”;manifest 指“表明,证明”;monitor指“监控”。
67.【答案】C。【译文】杰克逊先生因为在这个城市投资得到大量回报而感到很高兴。【试题分析】习惯用法题。【详细解答】derive... from... 是习惯搭配,意为:“从……得到……”。
68.【答案】C。【译文】这首诗的意思很晦涩,我确实理解不了。【试题分析】单词辨义题。【详细解答】conspicuous 指“明显的,显著的”intelligible 指“可理解的”;obscure 指“朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的”;dim指“(光线等)暗淡的,无光泽的”。
69.【答案】B。【译文】司法审判的精髓在于人人都有权得到公平的审判。【试题分析】近义词辨析题。【详细解答】content 指“内容,容量”;essence 指“(事物的)本质,精髓”;threshold 指“开端,界限”;texture指“(织品的)质地,(文艺作品的)结构”。
70.【答案】B。【译文】仅仅因为他们彼此之间不和谐,导致他们婚姻的结束。【试题分析】形近词辨义题。【详细解答】comparable 指“可比较的,比得上的”;compatible 后接介词with,意为“与……谐调的、一致的、兼容的”,competitive 指“竞争的”;complacent 指“自满的,得意的”。
