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每年的 3 月 3 日是联合国大会(United Nations General Assembly)设立的“世界野生动植物日 World Wildlife Day”,它旨在提高人们对野生动植物的认识。你喜欢动物吗?英语里有不少包含动物名称的短语、习语。这些短语通常利用自然界里动物的习性来映射人类生活中的场景。比如:用“the lion's share 狮子的份额” 表示“最大的份额”。做下面六道题,考考自己对此类短语的理解。

1. If Jane gets 75% of the cake, and John gets 25%, you can say ______.

a) Jane got the lion's share

b) John got the lion's share

c) Jane got the tiger's share

d) John got the tiger's share

2. If there is a big problem which is very important but nobody wants to talk about it, we can say that there is: ______.

a) an octopus around the light

b) an elephant in the room

c) a tiger under the bed

d) a zebra in the kitchen

3. This idiom means you are going to pay very close attention to someone's behaviour.

a) to watch like a tiger

b) to watch like a lion

c) to watch like a shark

d) to watch like a hawk

4. Someone bad who is pretending to be good can be described as ______.

a) a tiger in a clown's hat

b) a wolf in sheep's clothing

c) a scorpion in a jacket

d) a wasp in a bee's coat

5. Without my glasses, I can't see anything. I'm ______.

a) as blind as a mole

b) as short-sighted as a zebra

c) as blind as a bat

d) as short-sighted as a snake

6. Someone who is very clumsy is like ______.

a) a lion in kindergarten

b) a fish in a barrel

c) a rabbit in headlights

d) a bull in a china shop


1) a, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d.
