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世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization)将每年的 3 月 23 日设立为“世界气象日 World Meteorological Day”。英国人非常乐于谈论“天气 weather”。在日常会话中,有哪些表达看似与天气有关,但实际上却是用特定的气候现象描述生活中的场景?做小测验题,学习六个和“天气”有关的英语说法。

1. If you are ill you can say that you are ______.

a) in a cloud

b) under the weather

c) riding a storm

d) feeling foggy

2. To save ______ means you save money to use in an emergency.

a) for a snowy week

b) for a stormy afternoon

c) for a rainy day

d) for a wet Wednesday

3. This expression means that something positive comes from a bad situation.

a) every cloud has a silver lining

b) every shower has an umbrella

c) every storm has a shelter

d) every puddle has a pothole

4. Very strong wind is a ______.

a) torrent

b) downpour

c) blizzard

d) gale

5. This is a mixture of melting snow and freezing rain that falls from the sky.

a) slush

b) sleet

c) hail

d) sludge

6. A small problem that has been made much bigger than it should can be called ______.

a) a tornado in a bathtub

b) a typhoon in a coffee mug

c) a storm in a teacup

d) a hurricane in a bowl


1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) c.
