
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情



Part I Listening Comprehension (20minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant.

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. There fore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose [A> on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.

Sample Answer [A>[B>[C>[D>

1. A) They are both anxious to try Italian food.

B)They are likely to have dinner together.

C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.

D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man.

2. A) It’s only for rent, not for sale.

B) It’s being redecorated.

C) It’s not as good as advertised.

D) It’s no longer available.

3. A) Colleagues.

B) Employer and employee.

C) Husband and wife.

D) Mother and son.

4. A) She contacts her parents occasionally.

B) She phones her parents regularly at weekends.

C) She visits her parents at weekends when the fares are down.

D) She often calls her parents regardless of the rates.

5. A) The next bus is coming soon.

B) The bus will wait a few minutes at the stop.

C) There are only two or three passengers waiting for the bus.

D) They can catch this bus without running.

6. A) The assignment looks easy but actually it’s quite difficult.

B) The assignment is too difficult for them to complete on time.

C) They cannot finish the assignment until Thursday.

D) They have plenty of time to work on the assignment.

7. A) The man will go to meet the woman this evening.

B) The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o’clock.

C) The woman can’t finish making the jam before 7 o’clock.

D) The woman won’t be able to see the man this evening.

8. A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class.

B) She’s written some books about world classics.

C) She’s met some of the world’s best writers.

D) She’s just back from a trip round the world.

9. A) The exam was easier than the previous one.

B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.

C) Joe probable failed in the exam.

D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.

10. A) She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.

B) She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

C) She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.

D) She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.

Section B Compound Dictation

注意:听力理解的B节(Section B)为复合式听写(Compound Dictation), 题目在试卷二上,现在请取出试卷二。

Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?

Heroes are catalysts (催化剂) for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated (隔离的) buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for largescale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

11. Although heroes may come from different cultures, they .

A) generally possess certain inspiring characteristics

B) probable share some weaknesses of ordinary people

C) are often influenced by previous generations

D) all unknowingly attract a large number of fans

12. According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that .

A) they have a vision from the mountaintop

B) they have warm feelings and emotions

C) they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles

D) they can make people feel stronger and more confident

13.Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because .

A) they are popular only among certain groups of people

B) their performances do not improve their fans morally

C) their primary concern is their own financial interests

D) they are not clear about the principles they should follow

14. Gandhi and Martin Luther King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who .

A) are good at demonstrating their charming characters

B) can move the masses with their forceful speeches

C) are capable of meeting all challenges and hardships

D) can provide an answer to the problems of their people

15. The author concludes that historical changes would .

A) be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities

B) not happen with out heroes making the necessary sacrifices

C) take place if there were heroes to lead the people

D) produce leaders with attractive personalities

Passage Two

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.

According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的)” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.

Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.

Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.

That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job — even before she completed her two-year associate degree.

While it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions — be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company: no job. How shortsighted in the long run!

But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机):“Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you pleas send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”

From the long-term point of view, that’s wheat education really ought to be about.

16. According to the author’s observation, college students .

A) have never been so materialistic as today

B) have never been so interested in the arts

C) have never been so financially well off as today

D) have never attached so much importance to moral sense

17.The students’ criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with .

A) the influences of their instructors

B) the financial goals they seek in life

C) their own interpretations of the courses

D) their understanding of the contributions of others

18. By saying “While it’s true that… be they scientific or artistic? (Lines 1-3, Para. 5), the author means that .

A) business management should be included in educational programs

B) human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed

C) human intellectual development has reached new heights

D) the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked

19.Studying the diverse wisdom of others can .

A) create varying artistic interests

B) help people see things in their right perspective

C) help improve connections among people

D) regulate the behavior of modern people

20.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A) Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow-minded.

B) Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong.

C) People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life.

D) Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.

Passage Three

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away be fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.

Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.

Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).

Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.

English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.

21. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

A) Critical. B) Indifferent.

C) Prejudiced. D) Positive.

22. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople .

A) have to get familiar with modern technology

B) are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

C) are attaching more importance to their overseas business

D) are eager to work overseas

23. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means .

A) being unable to think properly for lack of insight

B) being totally out of touch with business at home

C) missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

D) leaving all care and worry behind

24.According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?

A) Connections with businesses overseas.

B) Ability to speak the client’s language.

C) Technical know-how.

D) Business experience.

25.The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they and .

A) better control the whole negotiation process

B) easily find new approaches to met market needs

C) fast-forward their proposals to headquarters

easily make friends with businesspeople abroad

Passage Four

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

In recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they’ve become wealthier and more worldly-wise. Foreign travel is a national passion; this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go abroad. Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same. American firms have also begun arriving in large numbers. Chains such as KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant monitoring to ensure the friendliness of frontline staff. Even the American habit of telling departing customers to “Have a nice day” has caught on all over Israel. “Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, ‘Let’s be nicer, ” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm. “Nothing happens without competition.”

Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as well. Monopolies (垄断者) that until recently have been free to take their customers for granted now fear what Michael Perry, a marketing professor, calls “the revengeful (报复的) consumer.” When the government opened up competition with Bezaq, the phone company, its international branch lost 40% of its market share, even while offering competitive rates. Says Perry, “People wanted revenge for all the years of bad service.” The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly stopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman. Now, appointments are scheduled to the half-hour. The graceless El Al Airlines, which is already at auction (拍卖),has retrained its employees to emphasize service and is boasting about the results in an ad campaign with the slogan, “You can feel the change in the air.” For the first time, praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets.

26. It may be inferred from the passage that .

A) customer service in Israel is now improving

B) wealthy Israeli customers are hard to please

C) the tourist industry has brought chain stores to Israel

D) Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones

27.In the author’s view, higher service standards are impossible in Israel .

A) if customer complaints go unnoticed by the management

B) unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbers

C) if there’s no competition among companies

D) without strict routine training of employees

28. If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure, .

A) they can have it fixed in no time

B) in’s no longer necessary to make an appointment

C) the appointment takes only half a day to make

D) they only have to wait half an hour at most

29.The example of El Al Airlines shows that .

A) revengeful customers are a threat to the monopoly of enterprises

B) an ad campaign is a way out for enterprises in financial difficulty

C) a good slogan has great potential for improving sevice

D) staff retraining is essential for better service

30. Why did Bezaq’s international branch lose 40% of its market share?

A) Because the rates it offered were not competitive enough.

B) Because customers were dissatisfied with its past service.

C) Because the service offered by its competitors was far better.

D) Because it no longer received any support from the government.

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

31. Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone them.

A) discovered B) will discover

C) would have discovered D) discovers

32. Though in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.

A) grown B) raised

C) tended D) cultivated

33. The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He have driven so fast.

A) can’t B) wouldn’t

C) shouldn’t D)mustn’t

34. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to the skills they need to succeed.

A) adopt B) acquire

C) accumulate D) assemble

35. If I harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.

A) worked B) were to work

C) had worked D) were working

36.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was______of cheating customers.

A) accused B) charged

C) scolded D) cursed

37. All her energies are _______ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.

A) guided B) aimed

C) directed D)focused

38. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest they by wild animals.

A) should be attacked B) had been attacked

C) must be attacked D) would be attacked

39. Every one should be to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated.

A) attributed B) entitled

C) identified D) justified

40. His wife is constantly finding with him, which makes him very angry.

A) errors B) shortcomings

C) fault D) flaw

41. Vitamins are complex that the body requires in very small amounts.

A)matters B)materials C)particles D) substances

42. Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy _______ housework as carrying water and firewood.

A) time-consumed B) timely-consumed C)time-consuming D)timely-consuming

43. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely _______ to the outside world.

A) having been lost B)to be lose C)losing D) lost

44. The police are trying to find out the ____ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.

A) evidence B) recognition C) status D) identity

45. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the_________ they keep from someone they talk with.

A) distance B) scope

C) range D)boundary

46. We have planned an exciting publicity ________ with our advertisers.

A) struggle B) campaign

C) battle D)conflict

47._________ the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.

A) Besides B) Regardless of

C) But for D) Despite

48._________ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and it different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.

A) Because B) For

C) Since D) While

49. John doesn’t believe in _________ medicine; he has some remedies of his own.

A) standard B) regular

C) routine D)conventional

50. Owning to ________ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably.

A) fierce B) Strained

C)eager D) critical

51. They always give the vacant seats to _______ comes first.

A) whoever B)whomever

C)who D) whom

52. In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are _______ enough to get into universities.

A) ambitious B) fortunate

C)aggressive D)substantial

53. Professor Wang, _______ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.

A) Knowing B)Known

C)to be known D)having known

54. Our manager is _____ an important customer now and he will be back this afternoon.

A) calling for B)calling in

C)calling up D) calling for

55. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of_________.

A) precaution B) crisis

C) emergency D)urgency

56. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he _______by then.

A) would have arrived B) must have arrived

C) should arrive D)would arrive

57. The film provides a deep __________ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings.

A) insight B) imagination

C) fancy D)outlook

58. It is high time that such practices _________.

A) are ended B) be ended

C) were ended D) must be ended

59. Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the _________ charged on public transport were more reasonable.

A) fees B) fares

C) payments D) costs

60. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ___________,

A) pulled out B) pulled through

C) pulled up D)pulled over

Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

A language is a signaling system which operates with symbolic vocal sounds (语声), and which is used by a group of people for the purpose of communication.

Let’s look at this 61 in more detail because it is language, more than anything else, 62 distinguishes man from the rest of the 63 world.

Other animals, it is true, communicate with one another by 64 of cries: for example, many birds utter 65 calls at the approach of danger; monkeys utter 66 cries, such as expressions of anger, fear and pleasure. 67 these various means of communication differ in important ways 68 human language. For instance, animals’ cries do not 69 thoughts and feelings clearly. This means, basically, that they lack structure. They lack the kind of structure that 70 us to divide a human utterance into 71 .

We can change an utterance by 72 one word in it with 73 : a good illustration of this is a soldier who can say, e.g., “tanks approaching from the north”, 74 who can change one word and say “aircraft approaching from the north” or “tanks approaching from the west”; but a bird has a single alarm cry, 75 means “danger!”

This is why the number of 76 that an animal can make is very limited: the great tit (山雀) is a case 77 point; it has about twenty different calls, 78 in human language the number of possible utterances is 79 . It also explains why animal cries are very 80 in meaning.

61. A) classification B) definition C)function D)perception

62. A) that B) it C)as D)what

63. A)native B) human C) physical D) animal

64. A) ways B) means C) methods D) approaches

65. A) mating B) exciting C) warning D) boring

66. A) identical B) similar C) different D) unfamiliar

67. A) But B)Therefore C) Afterwards D) Furthermore

68. A) about B) with C) from D) in

69. A) infer B) explain C) interpret D) express

70.A) encourages B) enables C) enforces D) ensures

71. A) speeches B) sounds C) words D)voices

72.A) replacing B) spelling C) pronouncing D)saying

73. A)ours B) theirs C) another D) others

74. A)so B) and C) but D)or

75. A)this B)that C)which D)it

76. A)signs B)gestures C)signals D)marks

77. A)in B)at C) of D)for

78. A) whereas B) since C) anyhow D)somehow

79. A) boundless B) changeable C) limitless D) ceaseless

80. A) ordinary B) alike C) common D) general

It’s difficult to imagine the sea ever running out of fish. It’s so vast, so deep, so (S1) _____________. Unfortunately, it’s not bottomless. Over-fishing, (S2)_____________ with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and (S3) ____________ their environment.

Destroy the fish, and you destroy the fishermen’s means of living. At least 60 (S4) __________ of the world’s commercially important fish (S5) ______________ are already over-fished, or fished to the limit.As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.

Big, high-tech fleets (S6) _______________ that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying. That’s an (S7) ________________ of more than 20 million metric tons every year.

(S8) _______________________________________________.

In some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns (对虾) caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

True, (S9) ____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________, before every ocean becomes a dead sea.

(S10) __________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________, then catch them in a way that doesn’t kill other innocent sea life.


Listening Comprehension

Section A: Dialogs


Sectoin B: Dictation

1. mysterious 2. Coupled 3.Ruining 4. percent 5. species 6. ensure 7.average 8. When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem. 9. Some contries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it's vital we find rational ways of fishing. 10. It wouls make sense to give the fish enough time to recover grow to full size and reproduce.

Reading Comprehension

11-15 ACBDA 16-20 ABDBD 21-25 DCCBA 26-30 ACDAB Vacabulary 31-35 DBCBC 36-40 ADABC 41-45 DCDDA 46-50 BCCDA 51-55 AABAC 56-60 AACBB


61-65 BCCBC 66-70 CACDB 71-75 CACBC 76-80 CAACB
