
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 13:58:40 10
1. A) Bob is too tired to study any more.
B) Bob didn't hear the alarm.
C) He told Bob not to study late at night.
D) He had often advised Bob to study hard.

2. A) Obtain clothing for the Smiths.
B) Have a party for the Smiths and Alan.
C) Mail an invitation to the Smiths.
D) Ask the Smiths to tell her where they live.

3. A) The crowd is very noisy.
B) The show is very difficult to understand.
C) The theatre is too big for the show.
D) The room is too small for the audience.

4. A) The weatherman is usually accurate.
B) The weatherman is usually inaccurate.
C) It'll be sunny all day.
D) It'll be raining all day.

5. A) Get a new television set.
B) Find another repairman.
C) Sell the TV to someone else.
D) Demand a check from the TV station.

6. A) Miss Gray goes to work on time.
B) Miss Gray wanted to see Mr. Frank.
C) Miss Gray is always late.
D) Miss Gray no longer wants to work there.

7. A) It is closed. B) 12 at noon to 9 p.m.
C) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. D) 9 a.m. to 12 at noon.

8. A) ?? 150. B) ??160. C) ??50. D) ??120.
9. A) May 5. B) May 17. C) May 7. D) May 15.
10. A) By plane. B) By bus. C) By train. D) By car.

Passage 1Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A) Men can understand things quickly.
B) Men can learn.
C) Men have learned to use language.
D) Men have brains.
12. A) An ape can make noises.
B) An ape can understand things.
C) An ape can learn words.
D) An ape can speak like men.
13. A) How children learn to speak.
B) Why apes can learn a few words.
C) Man's brain helps him learn to speak.
D) What happens when men speak.

Passage 2Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) The museums are a financial success.
B) The public should support cultural institutions.
C) Many people are leaving New York.
D) People are very interested in museums.

15. A) To give financial help to museums.
B) To leave New York and settle else where.
C) To visit museums every day.
D) To be interested in keeping New York financially healthy.

16. A) They are having less tourists.
B) The government gives them less money.
C) People are not interested in them any more.
D) Too many hotels are built around them.

Passage 3Question 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. A) Cleveland. B) New York. C) Chicago. D) Iowa.

18. A) Seventeen. B) Nineteen. C) Eighteen. D) Sixteen.

19. A) He ran a restaurant. B) He became an author.
C) He worked on T.V. D) He became a painter.

20. A) It was attended by more than 1500 relatives.
B) It was celebrated at the TV station.
C) It was held in 1961.
D) It was reported by over 100 newsmen.


21. It was very difficult to guess what her ___________ to the news would be.
A) opinion B) reaction C) comment D) impression

22. The medicine the doctor gave me ________ my headache.
A) reduced B) freed
C) released D) relieved

23. _______ man learned how to build houses, he looked for natural
A) After B) Long before C) Once D) When

24. Political instability sometimes _______ from underdevelopment in
A) raises B) rises C) causes D) arises

25. I don't think it'll rain, but I'll take an umbrella _______ it does.
A) on condition B) in case
C) so that D) as if

26. Whatever you say, I don't believe he would be _______ refuse to help me.
A) selfish enough so B) as selfish as to
C) enough selfish to D) so selfish as to

27. They are twins and look very _______.
A) same B) alike C) identical D) like

28. I didn't mean_______ anything, but those apples looked so good I
couldn't resist _______ one.
A) to eat / trying B) to eat / to try
C) eating / trying D) eating / to try

29. I couldn't afford to rent a house like that, _______ buy it.
A) no longer B) no more than
C) let alone D) instead

30. Not only _______ tolerant of other people's opinions, but he is also patient.
A) he is B) is he
C) he will be D) will he be

31. _______ its hot sun and beautiful beaches, Hawaii is a fine place
to live in or visit.
A) For B) With C) Since D) As

32. To our _______, Michael's illness proved not to be as serious as we
had feared.
A) anxiety B) eyes C) relief D) judgment

33. He promised to return the book as soon as he _______ it.
A) would read B) read
C) has read D) had read

34. The tourist industry ___________ greatly to the economy of that country.
A) supports B) benefits
C) assists D) contributes

35. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ______ .
A) spoiled B) damaged C) harmed D) hurt

37. Tom sold the vegetables at half price rather than _______ them to go bad.
A) allow B) allowed C) allowing D) he allowed

38. They wonder ______ the figures are accurate.
A) that B) which
C) whether D) as if

39. It is usually better not to _______ things, in case they are not returned.
A) lend B) offer C) borrow D) lose

40. His ______ had always been to become an architect.
A) want B) imagination
C) ambition D) direction

41. Sadie had her hands _______ her mouth as if to stop herself from crying.
A) by B) at C) over D) above

42. His salary as a bus driver is much higher _______.
A) in comparison the salary of a teacher
B) than a teacher
C) than that of a teacher
D) to compare as a teacher

43. Ann prefers hiking _______ the cinema.
A) to going to B) than going to
C) than to go to D) to go to

44. He knows all Shakespeare's poems by _______ .
A) head B) heart C) mind D) memory

45. In the States, the black people on the whole _______ a much higher unemployment rate.
A) suffer from B) amount to
C) reach for D) extend to

46. He dared not harm the little girl, _______ the dog in her arms.
A) either B) also
C) and D) nor
47. _______ an umbrella with you in case it rains.
A) Bring B) Hold C) Fetch D) Take

48. It need hardly be said that a man who could _______ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength.
A) make the best of B) catch up with
C) get rid of D) put up with

49. She was glad that the wicked man had decided _______.
A) not killing her B) his not killing her
C) not to kill her D) to not kill her

50. Some speculators (¨a??¨2¨|¨?) were _______ cash and so they sold their shares at any price.
A) badly in need of B) badly need for
C) in badly need for D) badly needed


There was a time when parents who
wanted an educational present for
their children would buy a typewri-
ter, a globe or an encyclopedia set
(¨°?¨??á??¨′??¨¨?¨o¨|). Now those __51__ 51. A) items B) toys
seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this C) sets D) series
Christmas, there were a lot of __52__ 52. A) private B) children
C) school D) personal
computers under the tree. __53__ that 53. A) given B) Provided
computers are their key to success, C) Convinced D) Believed
parents are also frantically insisting
that children __54__ taught to use them 54. A) are B) be
in school--as early as possible. C) are being D) were
The problem for schools is that
when it __55__ computers, parents do 55. A) talks about B) comes to
not always know best. C) turns to D) mentions
Many schools are __56__ parental 56. A) ignorant of B) blaming
impatience and are purchasing hardware C) yielding to
D) turnin a deaf ear to
(¨?2?t) __57__ sound educational plan- 57. A) without B) with
ning so they can say,"Ok, we've moved C) through D) for
into the computer age."Teachers __58__ 58. A) relied on B) relaxed
themselves caught in the middle of the C) freed D) found
problem -- between parent pressure and
__59__ educational decisions. 59. A) wise B) clever
C) slow D) enough
Educators do not even agree __60__ 60. A) on B) with
how computers should be used. A lot of C) to D) about
money is going for computerized educa-
tional materials __61__ research has 61. A) however B) where
C) what D) that
shown can be taught __62__ with pencil 62. A) equally
and paper. Even those who believe that B) in the same way
C) just as well D) not as well
all children should __63__ to computer, 63. A) be open B) have access
C) look D) turn
warn of potential __64__ to the very 64. A) approaches B) exposures
young. C) dangers D) laziness
The temptation(¨???¨?) remains strong
largely because young children __65__ 65. A) adopt B) keep
so well to computers. First graders have C) adapt D) devote
been__66__ willing to work for two hours 66. A) watched B) seen
on math skills. Some have an attention C) told D) taught
span of 20 minutes. __67__ school can 67. A) High B) Not every
afford to go into computing, and that C) No D) Any
creates __68__ another problem: a divi- 68. A) already B) of course
sion between the haves and have-nots. C) in addition D) yet
Very few parents ask __69__ computer 69. A) for B) against
instruction in poor school districts, C) to buy D) to use
__70__ there may be barely enough money 70. A) due that B) in any case
to pay the reading teacher. C) although D) where


Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:

The failed Skylab will come screaming home to earth in disappointmentsometime next month, but it will fall we know not where.
That precise information is beyond even the calculations of scientistsand their computers.
The best they can tell us is that the space station, weighing 77 tons andas high as a 12-story building, will break into hundreds of pieces that willbe scattered across a track 100 miles wide and 4,000 miles long.
We are again exposed to one of those unexpected adventures, or misadven-tures, of science that attracts our attention from the boring routines ofdaily existence and encourages us to think a lot about man's future.
What worries Richard Smith, the Skylab's director, is the'big pieces'that will come through the atmosphere. Two lumps, weighing 2 tons each, andten, weighing at least 1,000 pounds each, will come in at speeds of hundredsof miles an hour, and if they crash on land they will dig holes up to 100feet deep.
What worries us, with our lack of scientific knowledge and our quickimagination, is both the big and little pieces, although project officialssay there is a very small chance that anyone will be injured by them.
That's good to know , but it doesn't remove the doubts of the millionswho still remember the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island. That accidenttook place in 1979 in spite of what scientists had assured us as to thesafety of the nuclear reactor.

71. Where the Skylab will fall _______.
A) is kept secret
B) will be announced soon
C) is predicted by scientists
D) can't be predicted

72. The broken Skylab will be _______.
A) in two lumps--one weighing 2 tons and the other weighing 10 tons
B) falling with the force of a 12-story building
C) composed of 12 big pieces and hundreds of smaller pieces
D) an attractive scene to millions of people

73. The author suggests that _______.
A) the danger of the Skylab's fall has been overestimated
B) it's useless to worry over things you can't do anything about
C) computers can solve the problem caused by the broken Skylab
D) the danger of the Skylab's fall has been underestimated

74. The author refers to Three Mile Island _______.
A) because he fears that a piece of the Skylab may strike a nuclear power
B) as a doubtful comment on the officials' words
C) because he is afraid of nuclear power
D) because the nuclear reactor there and the Skylab were built by the same

75. The author expresses his _______.
A) interest in the failure of the Skylab
B) willingness to give his advice
C) doubtful attitude toward scientists
D) eagerness to see more new scientific discoveries

Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:

Any talk of the energy needs of the United States should include adiscussion of the Tennessee Valley Authority, a successful but sometimesquiet federal agency. The Tennessee valley Authority began life in 1933 asone of the public works agencies designed to help fight the Great Depression.The TVA was first meant to employ thousands of men to build a chain of damsdown the Tennessee River. These dams were to include electric plants forgenerating electricity to provide cheap power for the rural land in thevalley area.
Within ten years, most of the homes in the TVA area had electricity. Intwenty years, there were four times as many homes in the area with power.At first , TVA electrcity cost a penny per kilowatt. Many homes in the arearelied on electricity for heating. This results in criticism now that elec-tricity is more than three pennies per kilowatt. Other criticism has beenaimed at the TVA's other methods of generating power in 1975. The Authoritywas sued(?e??) for polluting the air with its coal-generating plants. Anti-nuclear groups point out that the TVA would soon have a total of seventeenatomic reactor plants supplying power for its service area. But the TennesseeValley Authority has adjusted to the new times. It quickly became a modelfor pollution control at its coal plants. Just as quickly the TVA founditself an energy conserver as well as a producer. The TVA conducts freehome energy consultations and offers cheap loans to consumers who want toinstall insulation storm windows, solar energy equipment or woodburningstoves. The resulting decrease in demand has allowed the TVA to postponeor delay construction of two nuclear reactors. Instead, the Authority isbuilding a plant to extract coal gas from low-grade coal. Their first stepwill be to use the coal gas to make an ammonia(???à) fertilizer for farmersin the TVA service area. Their ultimate goal is to produce a syntheticfuel from the coal gas. The TVA will then be once again producing a cheapersource of energy and helping solve the nation's problems, several at atime.

76. The main idea of this passage is that ____________.
A) electricity purchased by TVA's customers has tripled in price.
B) the TVA has not served its function well.
C) the TVA is dangerous to the environment.
D) the TVA has always been a pioneer in the energy field.

77. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The Tennessee Valley Authority was created in 1933.
B) The TVA's initial function was to provide work for the unemployed.
C) The TVA has been making an effort in decreasing the number of nuclear reactor plants it depends on.
D) The TVA is interested in producing coal gas from low-grade coal.

78. We can conclude from the passage that ____________.
A) the TVA no longer supplies electricity for heating
B) before the time of the TVA, few homes in the Tennessee valley had electricity
C) the TVA has not had to rely on atomic reactor for its power
D) coal gas is expensive to produce

79. The passage suggests that ____________.
A) the TVA is now privately owned
B) the TVA is more interested in what is good for the nation than in making money
C) synthetic fule is cheaper to produce than electricity
D) ammonia fertilizers are nonpolluting

80. As used in this passage, the word "extract" means ____________.
A) burn B) reshape
C) defy D) remove from

Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

In the English educational system, students take three very importantexaminations. The first is the eleven-plus, which is taken at the age ofeleven or a little past. At one time the ability or aptitude shown on theeleven-plus would have determined if a child stayed in school. Now, however,all children continue in"comprehensive"schools, and the eleven-plus determines which courses of study the child will follow. At the age offifteen or sixteen, the students are tested for the Ordinary Level ofthe General Certificate of Education. This examination covers a widerange of subjects; once students have passed this exam, they are allowedto specialize, so that two-thirds or more of their courses will be inphysics, chemistry, classical languages, or whatever they wish to studyat greater length. The final examination, at eighteen, covers only thecontent of the special subjects. Even at the universities, students studyonly in their concentrated area, and very few students ever venture out-side that subject again; in a real sense, the English boy or girl is aspecialist from the age of fifteen.

81. The purpose of this passage is to ______.
A) show why most English students are"specialists"
B) show the superiority of the English educational system
C) describe the three tests that the English educational system is basedon
D) discuss the inequalities of the English educational system

82. The exam for the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate of Education
is administrated at the age of ______.
A) fifteen B) eighteen
C) eleven D) thirteen

83. We may conclude from the passage that______.
A) the exam that is taken at age eighteen is easier than the other two exams
B) failure on the eleven-plus exam excludes a student from further
C) higher education is much narrower in scope in England than in
D) physics and chemistry are the two most popular courses of study

84. The passage suggests that ______.
A) most people in England are college educated
B) schooling is very closely controlled in England
C) the failure rate on eleven-plus exam is quite high
D) England's structured educational system has reduced the illiteracy
rate in that country dramatically

85. As used in the passage, the word "content" (in Line 12) means______.
A) difficulties B) framework
C) material D) pleasure

Questions 86 to 90 are based on the following passage:

What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason any-thing falls to Earth. The Earth's gravity pulls it. But every cloud ismade of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn't rain or snow fallconstantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds areexceedingly small. The effect of gravity on them is minute. Air currentsmove and lift droplets so that the net downward displacement (¨°???¥) iszero, even though the droplets are in constant motion.
Droplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air madevisible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual observer, dust seems to actin a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without fixed direc-tion. But in fact dust particles are much larger than water droplets andthey finally fall. The cloud droplet of average size is only 1/2500 inchin diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall halfa mile in perfectly still air, and it does not fall out of moving air atall. Only when the droplet grows to a diameter of 1/125 inch or largercan it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million timesas much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud droplet toa size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms ofprecipitation. This important growth process is called"coalescence."

86. What is the main topic of the passage?
A) The mechanics of rain.
B) The climate of North America.
C) How gravity affects air current.
D) Types of clouds.

87. The word "minute"in Line 5 is closest in meaning to which for the
A) Second. B) Tiny. C) Smooth. D) Predictable.

88. Why don't all ice crystals in clouds immediately fall to Earth?
A) They are balanced by the pressure of rain droplets.
B) The effect of gravity at high altitude is random.
C) They are kept in the sky by air currents.
D) They are moving about without fixed directions.

89. What can be inferred about drops of water larger than 1/125 inch
in diameter?
A) They never occur.
B) They are not affected by the force of gravity.
C) In still air they would fall to earth.
D) In moving air they fall at a speed of thirty-two miles per hour.

90. In this passage, what does the term "coalescence" (in Paragraph 2)refer to?
A) The gathering of small clouds to form larger clouds.
B) The growth of droplets.
C) The fall of raindrops and other precipitation.
D) The movement of dust particles in the sunlight.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compositionon Reading -- The Best means To Acquire Knowledge in three paragraphs. Youare given the main idea of each paragraph in Chinese. You are required todevelop these ideas in English. Your composition should be no less than 120words. Remember to write clearly.
