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Unit 1 攻克堡垒(Day1-10)Day 10

    1. oblige A v. To lay out; spend; To use up; consume   
    2. tend B adj. Of the greatest possible size or significance; maximum; Being last in a   
    series, process, or progression; Fundamental; elemental; n. The greatest   
    extreme; the maximum   
    3. ultimate C vt. To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.   
    4. abundant D vi. To have a tendency; To be disposed or inclined; To move or extend in a   
    certain direction   
    5. adopt E v. To force or drive out; To force to leave; deprive of membership   
    6. adapt F v. To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means; To make   
    indebted or grateful   
    7. excess G v. To take into one’s family through legal means and raise as one’s own   
    child; To take and follow (a course of action, for example) by choice or   
    8. expel H v. To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge; To open   
    (something) up or out; spread out   
    9. expend I n. The state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient   
    10. expand J adj. Occurring in or marked by abundance; plentiful   
    【Key】1. F 2. D 3. B 4. J 5. G 6. C 7. I 8. E 9. A 10. H   
    1. private A vt. To set apart or cut off from others.   
    2. invade B adj. not being burdened by trouble, worry, or care; happy and carefree; be of   
    optimism; confident; cocksure   
    3. acknowledge C adj. Left to choice; not compulsory or automatic   
    4. calculate D v. To transgress; violate; To violate a rule or law   
    5. optimistic E vt. To ascertain by computation; reckon   
    6. optional F vt. To obtrude or force (oneself, for example) on another or others.   
    7. impose G v. To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle; To come   
    between so as to be a hindrance or an obstacle   
    8. offend H v. To admit the existence, reality, or truth of; To report the receipt of;   
    To express thanks or gratitude for   
    9. interfere I adj. Of or confined to the individual; personal   
    10. isolate J v. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage; To encroach or   
    intrude on; violate   
    【Key】1. I 2. J 3. H 4. E 5. B 6. C 7. F 8. D 9. G 10. A   
    1. issue A vi. To stick fast by or as if by suction or glue; To carry out a plan, a   
    scheme, or an operation without deviation   
    2. adequate B vt. To take captive, as by force or craft; seize   
    3. adhere C adj. Producing the desired results; efficacious; Having legal force;   
    effective or binding; Well grounded; just   
    4. capture D v. To make use of selfishly or unethically; To employ to the greatest   
    possible advantage   
    5. valid E adj. Uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent   
    6. consistent F adj. Reliable; steady; Being in agreement with itself; coherent and   
    7. continuous G vt. To ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of   
    8. exploit H n. The essential point; crux:; A point or matter of discussion, debate,   
    or dispute; The act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by an   
    office or official group; A single copy of a periodical   
    9. identify I adj. Barely satisfactory or sufficient;Sufficient to satisfy a requirement   
    or meet a need   
    【Key】1. H 2. I 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. F 7. E 8. D 9. G   
    1. It does not alter the fact that he was the man for the death of the little girl. (1995.1)   
    A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged   
    2. This local newspaper doesn’t pay much attention to affairs.   
    A. external B. extra C. outside D. surface   
    3. I don’t mind the decision as long as it is not too late.   
    A. your delaying to make B. you delay to make   
    C. your delaying making D. you to delay making   
    4. What caused the Rome Empire to ?   
    A. lag B. fail C. decade D. decay   
    5. The president made a speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which   
    encouraged sportsmen greatly.   
    A. vigorous B. tedious C. flat D. harsh   
    6. The cause of the American Civil War was the bombardment of Fort Sumter.   
    A. ultimate B. senior C. simple D. outer   
    7. There is rainfall in this area.   
    A. abundant B. rare C. a lot D. much   
    8. The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three childen of their own. (1997.6)   
    A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt   
    9. The newcomers found it impossible to themselves to the climate sufficiently to make   
    permanent homes in the new country. (1998.1)   
    A. suit B. adapt C. regulate D. coordinate   
    10. The police set a to catch the thieves. (1994.1)   
    A. plan B. device C. trap D. trick   
    11. Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still . (1996.6)   
    A. bare B. vacant C. blank D. hollow   
    12. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and knowledge. (1996.1)   
    A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive   
    13. The news came through channels.   
    A. private B. individual C. terminal D. personal   
    14. The scientists are able to accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.   
    A. count B. guess C. calculate D. estimate   
    15. He is about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.   
    A. outstanding B. optimistic C. optional D. obvious   
    16. Country ’s affair should not be interfered by any other countries.   
    A. inner B. internal C. inside D. inward   
    17. They took measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. (1996.1)   
    A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective   
    18. It is our policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. (2000.1)   
    A. continual B. consistent C. continuous D. considerate   
    19. Those queer animals, the dinosaurs, lived in ages.   
    A. far B. isolated C. distant D. remote   
    20. It’s impossible to the man among so many people.   
    A. deceive B. identify C. proved D. testified   
    21. When people become unemployed, it is which is often worse than lack of wages. (1996.6)   
    A. poverty B. idleness C. inability D. laziness   
    22. Her arrival did little to the problem.   
    A. deal B. inspire C. prescribe D. resolve   
    1. C 这改变不了他对女孩的死负有责任的事实。   
    2. A 这份地方报纸不太关注国外新闻。   
    3. C 只要不是太迟,我不介意推迟做决定。   
    4. D 是什么导致罗马帝国的衰退?   
    5. A 校长在运动会的开幕式上做了充满激情的演讲大大鼓舞了运动员的士气。   
    6. A 美国南北战争的最根本起因是对萨姆特堡的轰炸。   
    7. A 这一地区的降雨量很丰富。   
    8. D 那对老夫妇自己已经有了三个孩子,但还决定要收养一个男孩和一个女孩。   
    9. B 刚来的人发现自己无法适应这片新国土上的气候,无法永久定居下来。   
    10. C 警方设下圈套捉拿窃贼。   
    11. A 尽管每年他们都种树,但有些山顶还是光秃秃的。   
    12. A 一位称职的教师必须行为端正,知识渊博。   
    13. A 消息是私下传出来的。   
    14. C 科学家能够正确地计算出太空船什么时候抵达月球。   
    15. B 他有信心在下明年的奥运会上取得金牌。   
    16. B 一个国家的内政不应受到其他国家的干预。   
    17. D 他们采取了有效措施防止有毒气体泄漏。   
    18. B 通过和平手段达到统一是我们一贯的政策。   
    19. D 那些怪异的动物——恐龙生活在遥远的年代。   
    20. B 要从这么多人中识别出他是不可能的。   
    21. B 一个人失业时,无所事事比缺少工资更糟糕。   
    22. D 她的到来对解决问题几乎没有什么帮助。   
