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既然在中文法律文书行文中,开场白的上述内容是必不可少的,翻译起来,也有一些比较固定的译法,不妨一记。 “ 所称 ”……“ 是指 ” ,有几种常见的译法。一是如上面的译文所示 “mentioned……refers to ” ,也可以翻译成 “be referred……shall be” ; “ 必须遵守本规定 ” 或者 “ 适用本规定 ” ,可以一律翻译成 “apply to” ,似没不要把前者翻译成 “must abide by” 。。

再看一下 “ 结束语 ” 的翻译。结束语首先要说,本条例从何时起生效,有的时候还要说明以前制定的某某条例同时废止。请看上述有关市容条例的结束语以及译文:

第五十九条 本条例自公布之日起施行。 1998 年 2 月 25 目天津市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十次会议通过的《天津市环境卫生管理条例》同时废止。

Article .59 These Regulations shall become effective as from the date of promulgation. The Regulations of Tianjin Municipality on Environmental Sanitation that was adopted at the 40th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress on February 25, 1998 shall be abrogated simultaneously.

“ 生效 ” 译法不一而足。经常选用的有: take effect , come into effect , become effective 等等。 如果原文是从某日起实施,要用 as of 这个词组,比如从 2003 年 12 月 20 日起实施,要说 These Regulations shall take effect as of December 20 , 2003 ,而不要说成 as from December 20 , 2003 。 “ 同时废止 ” 则比较简单,译成 be abrogated simultaneously 即可。

三部曲的第三部是 “ 规定与罚则 ” 。这两部分是孪生兄弟,相辅相成。一般情况下,翻译罚则只要在规定前边加一个 “ 不 ” 字即可。在数码时代,更是不费吹灰之力,将规定中的有关内容复制,粘贴过来,先行否定,然后再稍加整理即可。请看《天津市收购废旧金属和信托寄卖业治安管理办法》里的例子:

第三条 经营收购生产性废旧金属的单位,须经经营所在地的公安分局、县公安局审查,符合规定的,由市公安局核发特种行业许可证。



第十一条 违反本办法第三条第一款规定, 非法收购生产性废旧金属的,予以取缔,没收非法收购的物品及违法所得;对单位或直接责任者可并处 5000 元以上1万元以下罚款。

违反本办法第三条第二款规定,非法收购非生产性废旧金属的,对单位或直接责任者给予警告或处 500 元以下罚款。


Article 3 The units that engage in purchasing the industrial waste and used metals shall apply to the public security sub-bureau or county bureau of their location of business for examination, pass the examination, and obtain the permit for special business issued by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Units and individuals that engage in purchasing non-industrial waste and used metals and in running secondhand businesses shall file a report for record with the public security bureau of their location of business..

It is prohibited to run, without permits, businesses in the above- mentioned fields.

Article 11 Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally purchases waste and used industrial metals, the authorities concerned shall stop its business and confiscate the illegally purchased articles , and the illegally obtained profits; It may also impose a fine of not less than Renminbi 5,000 yuan but not more than Renminbi 10,000 yuan on the unit or the person directly responsible..

Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally purchases waste or used non-industrial metals, the relevant authorities shall give the unit or the person directly responsible a warning or impose a fine of not more than Renminbi 500 yuan.

Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally runs secondhand businesses, the authorities concerned shall close the shop and impose on the unit or the individual directly responsible a fine of not more than Renminbi 10,000 yuan; In case there is illegally obtained profit, the fine shall be not more than Renminbi 30,000 yuan。
