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当然,规定与罚则的写法有各种不同的安排。有前后分列的,如上例,有的甚至还专门列出一章,谓之曰 “ 奖励与处罚 ” 或 “ 法律责任 ” ;也有的则把规定与罚则写在同一条款当中,这样,倒也显得更加紧凑一些。下面是一个规定与罚则并列的例子。选自《天津市市容和环境卫生管理条例》。

第三十一条 禁止下列影响环境卫生清洁的行为 :

〈一〉随地吐痰、吐口香糖、便溺 , 乱倒粪便 ;

〈二〉乱扔烟蒂、纸屑、瓜果皮核以及各类包装废弃物等 ;

〈三〉乱倒、乱堆渣土、污泥或者其他废弃物 , 向道路、河道、公共场地上抛撒杂物、废弃物 , 由建筑物或者车辆向外抛掷杂物、废弃物。

违反前款第〈一〉项规定的 , 责令即时清除 , 并处五十元以上一百元以下罚款 ; 违反第〈二〉项规定的 , 责令即时清除 , 并处十元以上五十元以下罚款 ; 违反第 ( 三〉项规定的 , 责令限期清除 , 逾期不清除的 , 处五十元以上五百元以下罚款 , 其中单位违反此项规定的 , 处五百元以上五千元以下罚款。

Article 31 The following acts that affect environmental sanitation are prohibited:

(1) Spitting, throwing chewing gums, urinating and moving bowels at inappropriate places or dumping human wastes,

(2) Littering, throwing cigarette butts, the core and shell of fruits and melons, and all kinds of packages;

(3) Dumping or piling construction waste, dirt or other waste, dumping odds and bits, throwaways or throwing odds and bits or waste from buildings or vehicles;

Anyone that violates paragraph (1) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter immediately and shall be imposed a fine of not less than Renminbi 50 yuan but not more than Renminbi 100 yuan; Anyone that violates paragraph (2) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter immediately and shall be imposed a fine of not less than Renminbi 10 yuan but not more than Renminbi 50 yuan; Anyone that violates paragraph (3) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter within a definite time limit; anyone that fails to do the cleaning when the period of validity expires, the department concerned shall imposed on him a fine of not less than Renminbi 50 yuan but not more than Renminbi 100 yuan. Where the violator is a unit, it shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 500 yuan but not more than RMB 5,000 yuan

这儿也有几点值得注意的地方需要讲一讲。罚则中 “xx 至 xx 元 ” ,有人简单地翻译成 from xx to xx ,似乎显得不那么正式。我们用 not less than xx ---but not more than xx ,文字上就比较庄重,严肃。 Where 的用法也值得注意。表示 “ 如果 ” 的地方,法律文书不用 if ,而一般用 where 去翻译。除此以外,有些固定词组也值得记忆,比如: impose a fine of xx on somebody ; be ordered to do ; the period of validity expires ; fail to do 等等,这儿就不一一详细阐述了。其实, 在翻译法律文书之前,认真读一下有关法律条文的译文,记住一些关键的表达法,在自己翻译过程中会十分有用的。

以上我们简要地给大家介绍了法律文书的基本框架,即 “ 开场白 ” 、 “ 结束语 ” 以及 “ 规定与罚则 ” 。掌握了这三部分的基本翻译方法,可以说法律文书翻译就入了门,剩下的就是 “ 修行在个人 ” 了。只要在此基础上,不断实践,不断积累,不断学习,就一定能使自己的翻译水平日长月进,渐臻完美。
