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Enterprises with foreign capital shall , in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State on tax payment , pay taxes and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.


原文: “外国公司在中华人民共和国境内设立的分支机构的登记,按照国务院的有关规定办理。”

原译文: “ The registration of a branch as subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.”


1 ) 公司的分支机构有两类,一是分公司( branch ),二是子公司 (subsidiary) ,原文中的“分支机构”是泛指,应理解为包括分公司和子公司,应译成 a branch or a subsidiary 。

2 ) 原文中的“按照国务院的有关规定办理”不能简单译成 “in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council” ,这样译法只能定位“重形似”,这里需要对原文进行深层的理解,应理解为“按照国务院有关行政法规的规定办理”,按照我国的法律制度,法律由全国人民代表大会颁发,国务院负责制定行政法规,我们所说的国务院的有关规定,实际上是指“国务院制定颁发的有关行政法规的规定,”因此应译成: “ in accordance with the provisions of the relevant administration regulations issued by the State Council.”


The registration of a branch or a subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the relevant administration regulations issued by the State Council .

2 .关于“ 依法 ”的译法:

中文法律文件中“依法” 与“有关法律法规”中“法律”不一样。“有关法律法规”中“法律”,是指具体的某部法律,这里的英文 law 是可数名词,因此要译成 the relevant laws and regulations 。而 “依法” 是指“依照法律”之意,是指整体法的泛指,应译成 in accordance with law ,也可译成 in accordance with the law ,这里的 law 是不可数名词,意为 body of such rules 即(整体的)法,法律。 下列各例中 的“依法”都为不可数名词。



对外贸易经营者 依法 自主经营、自负盈亏。


Foreign trade dealers shall, in accordance with the law , enjoy full autonomy in their business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses.



国务院外汇管理部门及其分支机构(以下统称外汇管理机关), 依法 履行外汇管理职责,负责本条例的实施。


The foreign exchange control department under the State Council and the branches thereof (hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange control organs) shall, in accordance with law , perform the functions of foreign exchange control and be responsible for the implementation of these Regulations.



Whenever the United States government or any officer or agency thereof shall provide pensions or other aid for the aged, cooperation by the State therewith and therein is hereby authorized in such manner and to such extent as may be provided by law .


1 )   原文“ any officer or agency thereof ” 应译成 “ 任何政府官员或政府机构 ” , thereof 是法律英语用词,意为 “of the United States government” 。

2 )   原文“ therewith and therein ” 是法律英语用词,分别意为 “with the United States government or any officer or agency thereof ” 和 “in providing pensions or other aid for the aged” 。因此,原文 “cooperation by the State therewith and therein ” 应译成: “ 本州协助联邦政府、政府官员或政府机构提供的上述养老金或其它帮助 ”

3 )   原文“ hereby ”是英语法律条款中常用的副词,意为:“特此,因此,兹”。

4 )   原文“ by law.” ,文中的 “by law” 是 “ 依法 ” 、 “ 按照法律 ” 之意,是不可数名词。


无论何时美国联邦政府或任何政府官员或政府机构应向老年人提供养老金或其它帮助,本州协助联邦政府、政府官员或政府机构提供的上述养老金或其它帮助, 按照法律 可能规定的方式和程度,应特此予以授权。

3 .关于 “ 一方,另一方 ”的译法:

“一方,另一方”在法律、合同文件经常出现的用语,其中“一方”是指“当事人一方”、“当事人中的任何一方”之意。在 中译英时 ,不能按字面翻译,译成 one party 或 one of the Parties, 从英文字的含义来说 one party 是指 a particular party 之意,是确指,而 either ,按牛津高级词典解释,是指两者之一。在法律条文中的“一方”往往是指“当事人中的任何一方”,应当译成 either party 或 either of the parties 。 下例各句中 “一方”都是“当事人中的任何一方”之意。
