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当事人达成仲裁协议, 向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理,但仲裁协议无效的除外。


原文中的“一方” , 根据本条文含义,“ 一 方向人民法院起诉的,”是指“达成仲裁协议当事人中的任何一方”,而决不是指“向人民法院起诉的一方”是确定的。因此这里的“一方”不译成 one party 或 one of the Parties ,应当译成 either party 或 either of the parties 。


A people’s court shall not accept an action initiated by either of the parties if the Parties have concluded and entered into an arbitration agreement, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid.





After either party violates a contract, the other party shall take proper measures to prevent the increase of the losses. Provided that where the other party fails to take proper measures so that the losses are increased, the party in question shall not claim any compensation in relation to the increased losses.



当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失,包括合同履行后可以获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时预见 到或者 应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。

参考译文 :

Where either party to a contract fails to perform the contract obligations or its performance fails to satisfy the requirements and provisions of the contract and causes loss to the other party, the amount of compensation for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by the breach of contract, including the obtainable gains after the performance of the contract, provided that the amount of compensation shall not exceed such probable foreseen losses caused by the breach of contract as has been foreseen or as shall be foreseen when the breaching party concludes the contract.

4 .关于“ 中央储备粮 ”的译法:

中央储备粮 ”意为“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government ,而不能按字面意思译成: the central grain reserves 。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, central: (1) 意为 “of, at, near or forming the centre of sth ” (中央的,在中心的,形成中心的)。例如, We live in central London. (我们住在倫 敦 中部); Our house is very central, i.e. is in or close to the centre of the town. )(我们的房子就在市中心)。( 2 )意为 having overall power or control (有全部权力或控制力的)。例如, central government, i. e . the government of the whole country, as contracted with the local government. (中央政府,即区别于地方政府)。

以上可见“中央储备粮”,既不是“处于中心的储备粮”,也不可能是“有全部权力或控制力的储备粮”,而是“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government 。请看以下例子:




参考译文 :

These Regulations are formulated and enacted in order to strengthen the administration of grain reserves of the central people’s government , ensure their authentic quantity, high quality and safe storage of the reserves in question, safeguard farmers’ interests, maintain the stability of the grain market, and play the effective role of grain reserves of the central people’s government in the State macro-control system.

5 .关于“ 技术规范 ”的译法:

所谓“技术规范”是指对建造某一项目的技术要求和范围,规定了所用材料的质量和工艺标准,应译成 technical specifications ,而不应译成 technical norms 。

按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, specifications 意为 details and instructions describing the design, materials, etc of sth to be made or done ( 规格;规格说明 ) 。例如, specifications for building a garage (建造车库的规格说明); the technical specifications of a new car ( 新汽车的技术规范 ) 。而 norms 则意为 standard or pattern that is typical (of a group, etc) , You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. (在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。)
