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英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 Acquisition cost 取得成本 1指取得公司、不动产,或其他资产的价格。
3.The cost of equipment or property after adjustments for incentives, discounts, or closing costs, but before any sales tax. Across the board 全盘 1.指证券市场的各个证券价格走势与大盘一致者。
2.对许多商品的价格或税率进行调整。例如,全面调整关税税率(across-the-board tariff change)
3.Applying to all items in a group in approximately the same way, such as when nearly all stocks move in the same direction on a given day. Acting in concert 一致行动 指两个以上的投资人采取相同的操作行为,以达成相同目的。例如,同时购买某家公司股权,以达到接管该公司的目的。或如同时交易特定证券,以达到控制证券价格,谋取非法利益。 action 动态 The price movement and volume of a stock or overall market. action to quiet title 对所有权的诉讼 A court action to establish ownership of property. active account  活跃账户A brokerage account in which there are many transactions. Often, brokerages will charge a certain flat fee on accounts that are not very active. For a brokerage, this is a chance to generate revenues from accounts that would otherwise not be generating revenues.  active arbitrage 主动套利 银行为从各种不同到期日的年率差价中赚取利润所做的套利操作。 active asset 活动资产 1.在总资产中连续用于生产活动的部分。
2.An asset which is used in the daily operations of the business. active balance of payment 国际收支顺差 国与国之间清算一定时期内(一般为一年)的债权、债务关系而发生的外汇收支,称为国际收支。当收大于支时,其差额称为国际收支顺差。 Active bond crowd 热络债券交易商 纽约证券交易所债券部门内,负责交易活络债券的会员。 active bonds 活动债券 从发行日起利率固定不变并按期支付利息的债券。 active box 活动箱 指证券经纪商供客户借贷的证券之存放地点。也称为开放箱(open box)。 active business 银行授信业务 主动业务银行从社会吸收存款资金,然后以债权人的身份将资金贷给借款人,即将信用授予借款人,或银行接受票据贴现,进行证券投资等授信业务。因授信业务主动权掌握在银行手中,故有此称。active circulation 流通额 指在市面上流通使用的钞票数量。它区别于存放在银行作为准备金的钞票金额。active control 主动性外汇管制 为外汇管制最重要的部分,指影响特定交易及结算的数额、国别或性质的一切措施。主动性外汇管制包括:
1.结算的管制(control on settlement),指对付款方式及汇率的管制;
2.对外贸易的管制(control on foreign trade);
3.对非贸易交易的管制(control on non-trade transaction),指对无形贸易、资本交易等的管制。 active equilibrium 积极均衡 一国在国际收支发生逆差时,通过扩大出口以及其他各种有利于国民经济的措施进行平衡。 Active investing 积极投资法 指资金管理者积极运用资金,以期获得高于市场平均水准的报酬。 active management  积极管理 1.通过选择市场、产业部门和证券来追求超越市场表现的管理手段。例如,积极的股票基金管理者企图以独到的选股来获取高于市场的收益率,而不是安排投资组合来模仿股价指数。债券管理者则利用利率水平、收益率曲线形状或不同市场间的差价来获利。
2.A money-management approach based on informed, independent investment judgment, as opposed to passive management (indexing) which seeks to match the performance of the overall market (or some part of it) by mirroring its composition or by being broadly diversified.
3.The buying and selling of bonds, as opposed to holding them to maturity.  Active market  活跃市场 1.指交易活络,买卖数量众多的证券市场。这类市场的交易频繁,买卖价格差距较小,大额证券持有人,如机构投资者、公司大股东等,在市场上大量交易该证券,对其市场影响较小,而对这类市场有较高的兴趣。
2.Heavy volume for a specific security or an entire exchange. In general, the more active a market is, the more liquid it is and the smaller the bid/ask spread is. active money 流通货币 1.被大众用来购买商品或劳务,因而在市面上流通的货币。亦称活动货币。
2.Currency in circulation. 
