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英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 adjustment price at swap center 外汇调剂价格 指在外汇调剂市场形成的买卖外汇的价格。外汇调剂价格根据外汇供求状况实行浮动,必要时国家外汇管理局规定最高限价。为了防止外汇调剂价格大起大落,除公开的外汇市场外,主要有以下做法:1公布全国各地和本地区外汇调剂价格表,供买卖双方参考。2外汇调剂中心公布指导价格,允许在一定范围内上下浮动。3国家外汇管理局代中央银行进行外汇买卖,以平抑价格。administrative systems 管理系统 Internal office and accounting functions. administrator  管理人 行政官  1.An individual appointed by a probate court to handle the estate of a person who died intestate. They have the same duties as an executor.
2.More generally, an individual who carries out the policies of an organization.  admission by investment 接受(新)投资 指合伙企业接受新的合伙人,以便对企业贡献现金投入、增加资产和扩充股东人数。 admitted carrier  被接纳承办人(保险公司) An insurance company authorized to sell insurance in a given state. adoption credit选定贷款 An available tax credit for expenses associated with the adoption of a child. A larger credit is available for the adoption of a child with special needs.  ADV form ADV(注册投资顾问)表格 A form filed with the SEC that contains information about a Registered Investment Advisor. Advance  向前 放款 垫款 预支款 上升股 1.指证券价格上涨。
3.An increase in price; opposite of decline.
4.A payment made before it is due.  advance against collection  托收垫款  银行对出口商托收票据的预付行为。银行承办出口托收业务时,在出口票款收妥前,先预付出口商部分或全部货款,出口商待托收款收回后归还款项并支付利息。 advance by overdraft  透支 银行允许其存款户在事先约定的限额内,超过存款金额支用款项的一种放款形式。透支主要有:在透支时提供抵押品的“抵押透支”和无抵押品的“信用透支”,以及作为银行同业之间相互融通资金方式的“同业透支”。 Advance decline line (ADL) 腾落指数  计算股票上涨与下跌公司家数的差,以一段期间的累积数衡量股价指数。其绘制方法为将当日股价上涨家数减下跌家数,再以一段期间为观察期,将每日的上涨与下跌家数差累积即得;也可以进一步将该累积值绘制成趋势曲线。在应用时必须搭配股价指数一起分析,其原则为:若ADL上升且股价指数上涨,则短期内股价可能持续上涨;若ADL下跌且股价指数下跌,短期内股价可能下跌;若ADL下跌但股价指数上涨,则意味上升趋势可能即将结束;若ADL上升且股价指数下跌,则为股价即将反弹的讯号。 Advance decline ratio (ADR) 涨跌比率 利用股价上涨与下跌公司家数,作为研判证券价格走势的技术分析工具;ADR的基本原理在于投资人有追涨杀跌的倾向,若上涨家数过多,表示股票的供给越大,越易造成下跌;反之,若下跌家数过多,表示证券的需求量加大,将累积上涨的空间;其计算公式如下:
N日ADR=  N日内股价上涨之累积公司家数/ N日内股价下跌之累积公司家数  X 100%。 advance payment 预付 国际货物买卖中的支付方法之一。指货款在交货之前支付,一般采用信汇、电汇或票汇等方式。 advance payment guarantee  预付款保函 预付款保证预付款保函的开具一般有两种情况:一种是进出口贸易中的定金保函,在买卖双方签订合同之后,出口方从自身的利益考虑,在交货以前,一般先要求进口方支付部分或全部的货款;而进口商在支付该笔款项时,则要求出口商提供一份由银行出具的还款保证书,保证一旦出口商不履行合同时应能偿还进口商预付的款项及利息。另一种是承包工程项目中的预付款保函。为了保证工程预付款及时用于实施项目,在合同中一般都规定承包商必须向业主提供由银行出具的预付款保函。 advance rate 放款率 The maximum amount of advances that will be made to a company, as a percentage of the value of some collateral. advance ratio 放款比率 银行放款总额占其存款总额的百分比。根据银行的放款比率,中央银行可衡量信贷市场的状况,以调整市场货币供应量。 Advance refunding 提前融资 提前换债 预先偿还 1.固定收益证券在到期日之前转换成另一种证券的做法,其目的在于通过发行新债券获得更低的利率。
3.A financing structure under which new bonds are issued to repay an outstanding bond issue prior to its first call date. Generally, the proceeds of the new issue are invested in government securities, which are placed in escrow. The interest and principal repayments on these securities are then used to repay the old issue, usually on the first call date. Advanced funded pension plan  提前准备退休金计划 指在股价即将分配利益之前,预先将该应流出的资金与退休金分离以独立账户持有,以配合资金流出的时间。 advance-decline line 涨跌 1.指在特定时期内,股票上涨下跌的指标。如果股价上涨,分析家认为市场处于“牛市”;如果股价下跌,则认为市场处于“熊市”
2.A technical analysis tool considered a good measure of the overall market‘s direction. Equal to the number of stocks which rose divided by the number of stocks which fell during some specified period. Considered bullish if greater than 1, or bearish if less than 1. advance-decline theory 涨跌理论 运用上涨股票数与下跌股票数的净差与总股票数相比这一指标来确定买卖时机的市场理论。 
