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英语词汇 中文释义详细注解 advances versus declines 涨跌股票比 收盘价高于前一个交易日的股票数与收盘价低于前一个交易日的股票数之比。也可用当日内的数字。 advancing (价格)上涨  指市价已经上升,并处在继续上升过程中,且进一步看涨。 advancing market 上涨市场 指市场价格普遍上涨,并且有迹象表明市场仍将保持上升趋势。 adventure capitalist 合资企业家 An entrepreneur who helps other entrepreneurs financially, and often plays an active role in the company‘s operations (such as by occupying a seat on the board of directors). adverse opinion  查帐报告中的反面意见  An independent auditor‘s belief that a company‘s financial statements are not accurate. Adverse selection 逆选择 1.在交易之前,信息不对称造成的问题会导致逆向选择。金融市场上的逆向选择指的是:那些最可能造成不利(逆向)结果即造成信贷风险的借款者,常常就是那些寻找贷款最积极,而且是最可能得到贷款的人。
2.指预期有潜在事故的透不如,向保险公司购买该事故的保险。例如例如健康状况不佳者越有意愿向保险公司购买健康险. Adversers sentiment  顾问感觉  越多数投资顾问对证券市场后势的预期越一致,则证券市场走势越有可能与预期反向的理论。 advertising 广告 Description or presentation of a product, idea, or organization, in order to induce individuals to buy, support, or approve of it. advertising sales ratio 广告销售比率 Total advertising expenditure divided by total sale over some time period. Useful for evaluating how effective the company‘s advertising campaigns have been at generating sales; all other things being equal, the lower the ratio, the better. advertorial 社论式广告 An advertisement disguised as editorial. 
