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英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 affidavit  宣誓书 书面陈述 A statement written and sworn to in the presence of someone authorized to administer an oath, such as a notary public. affiliate 附属 联营公司 1.泛指股权上有关联,但又不构成子母公司控制关系的公司。
3.A company in which another company has a minority interest.
4More generally, a company which is related to another company in some way. affiliated bank 联属银行 指银行为了开展业务、吸收存款、便利汇款和资金调拨、运用,在国内外设立的分支机构,是相互之间的直称和统称。 affiliated chains 联锁点 Noncompeting retail stores that act as a single entity when purchasing products and services, to realize economies of scale. Affiliated corporation  附属公司 指附属于其他机构的公司。 affiliated person 关联人 1.任何处于影响公司决策位置上的人,包括理事、总裁、主要持股人以及他们的直系亲属。他们的股票常被称为控制股(control stock).
2.A person who is able to exert influence on a corporation, often as a result of minority ownership. affiliated wholesalers 联锁批发商 Noncompeting wholesalers that act as a single entity when purchasing products and services, to realize economies of scale. affiliates 附属机构 附属公司 参与公司的子银行或子公司。它与海外分行不同,是在海外的独立法人,包括商业银行、投资银行、商人银行、信托公司、金融公司、租赁公司、代理公司、保险公司、甚至包括部分工商业公司。一般来说,直接或间接拥有5%或更多已发行的有投票权股票的公司即为附属公司。 affinity fraud 关联欺诈行为 A name for a type of scam that targets members of a specific demographic. Perpetrators may attempt to relate to or exploit characteristics common to the demographic. Targeted groups can include the elderly, ethnic groups, and religions. Perpetrators attempt to portray themselves as members of this group or people who can relate to the members of the group in order to gain trust and eventually money. Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes are sometimes combined with affinity fraud. affirmative obligations  应尽职责NASD requirements imposed on Nasdaq market makers, including: maintaining two-sided markets on a continuous basis, quoting firm bid and ask prices, participating in the Small Order Execution System, and reporting price and volume data for each Nasdaq security transaction within 90 seconds of execution. 
