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英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 agency risk 代理风险 指公司的经理人员没有以股东利益为最高考量的行为。例如经理人选择风险极低而潜在利润也极有限的投资方案。 agency security 代理证券 1.由中央政府附属的机构所发行的证券。
2.A security, usually a bond, issued by a U.S. government agency. Agency securities are exempt from state and local taxes. also called U.S. Government Agency Security. agency services 代理业务 属银行业务的一类。信托公司以及商业银行附设的信托部所经营的业务多为代理业务性质。 agency transaction 委托交易 A sale and purchase of bonds in which the dealer places bonds with the buyer on a commission basis rather than selling bonds that the dealer owns. agent 代理人 1.指代理国库发行债券的机构。
3.An individual or firm authorized to act on behalf of another (called the principal), such as by executing a transaction or selling and servicing an insurance policy. The agent does not assume any financial risk in the transaction, as a dealer would. agent bank 代理银行 1.在银行团联合贷款中的代表银行。代理银行于贷款合约签定后,成为借款人与参贷银行之间沟通的桥梁,且负有管理该项贷款之责,包括通知银行团成员有关借款人之借款要求、贷款利率之订定、监督借款人遵从贷款契约之规定等。代理银行可透过这些服务之提供而获取代理费用(agency fee)。
4.A bank that has been authorized by an individual to act as his/her agent. An agent bank would typically provide services such as back-office operations, processing of credit applications, and verification services. agent commission 代理佣金 进出口商对其代理人支付的报酬。可分为出口代理佣金和进口代理佣金。支付代理佣金时必须注意外汇管制问题,因为有些国家规定,对外国代理商支付的佣金不得超过贸易额的若干百分比。 agent fee 代理费 中长期银团贷款的借款人付给代理行的报酬。 age-weighted plan 年龄加权退休金计划 A retirement plan characterized by the fact that both the age and compensation level of an employee are used to determine benefits. Usually the weighting is toward older employees, who therefore accumulate more benefits per year. aggregate corporation 社团法人 A corporation with more than one shareholder. 
