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英语词汇 中文释义  详细注解aggregate demand 累计总需求 A macroeconomic value equal to the sum of all personal consumption expenditures, business expenditures, and government expenditures in a particular time period. Aggregate exercise price 总执行价格1.选择权合约交易的数量与单位履约价格的乘积;即投资人交易选择权商品,执行权利时必须支付的履约价款的总和。
2.The strike price of an option times the number of underlying securities in the contract. When calculating the aggregate exercise price, the premium paid or received on the option is not considered.  aggregate rental receivable 应收租金总额 出租方根据租赁合同中相关条款,在租赁期间内应向承租方收取而尚未收取的租金总额。 aggregate risk 综合风险 银行因其与客户的现货和期货合同所产生的外汇资产随汇率波动而发生损失的全部风险。 aggregate supply  总共给 A macroeconomic value equal to the sum of all goods and services produced in a particular time period. aggregate supply curve 总共给曲线  Analogous to the supply curve, a theoretical graph showing the aggregate supply at different price levels. aggressive 积极性的 An investment strategy characterized by a willingness to accept above-average risk in pursuit of above-average returns. Usually favors stocks over bonds, especially stocks of rapidly growing companies, and sometimes employs buying on margin, options trading, and arbitrage. Aggressive growth fund 积极成长型基金  进取性增长基金 1.寻求资本最大限度增值的较活跃的基金。其中,多数资金投于具有较高增长潜力和风险的普通股票。为增加收益,该基金常使用投机性的经营策略。
2.以投资高成长公司股票为主的共同基金。其收益来源集中于资本增值,来自股利的部分极少。因而也称为最大资本利得基金(maximum capital gains funds)或资本增值基金(capital appreciation)。
3.A mutual fund which aims for the highest capital gains and is not risk-averse in its selection of investments. Aggressive growth funds are most suitable for investors willing to accept a high risk-return trade-off, since many of the companies which demonstrate high growth potential can also show a lot of share price volatility. Aggressive growth funds tend to have a very large positive correlation with the stock market, and so they often produce very good results during economic upswings and very bad results during economic downturns. An aggressive growth fund might, for example, buy initial public offerings (IPOs) of stock from small companies and then resell that stock very quickly in order to generate big profits. Some aggressive growth funds may even invest in derivatives, such as options, in order to increase their gains. AGI  可调整总收入 Adjusted Gross Income. The amount used in the calculation of an individual‘s income tax liability; one‘s income after certain adjustments are made, but before standardized and itemized deductions and personal exemptions are made. Aging schedule 账龄分析 1.将资产负债表上应收账款的余额,依据过期的时间分组排列,以显示应收账款的结构与回收可能性。
2.A list of accounts receivable broken down by number of days until due or past due. 
