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cross strap V-throat sandals V形鞋口交叉扣带便鞋

cross stripe 色纬横条子布

cross support arm 横支杆

cross switch 十字开关

cross table upright drilling machine 十字工作台立钻

cross tee 四通

cross test level 纵横水准仪

cross threaded adapter 螺纹交叉承接管

cross tool carriage 横刀架

cross transverse feed gear 横向进刀装置

cross tube boiler 横管锅炉

cross turbine 并联复式透平

cross type electric hammer drill 十字型电锤钻

cross valve 四通阀

cross wire 十字交叉线

cross woven fabric 纱罗织物

cross 四通管

cross-bar 横杆

cross-blended yarn 混纺纱

cross-check suiting 斜十字方格西装绒

cross-cloth 扎头带

cross-coil defect detector 交叉线圈探伤仪

cross-coil direction finder 交叉线圈测向仪

cross-compound blowing engine 复式鼓风机

cross-compound engine 并联复式蒸汽机

cross-compound turbine 并联复式涡轮机

cross-compound turbine-generator 交叉复式涡轮发电机

cross-connected generator 正交磁场发电机

cross-corded fabric 纬向凸条布

cross-country billet mill 越野式坯料轧机

cross-country car 越野小汽车

cross-country cargo carrier 越野载重车

cross-country mill 越野式轧机

cross-country minibus 越野小客车

cross-country rolling mill 越野式轧机

cross-country truck 越野车

cross-country van 越野车

cross-country vehicle 越野汽车

cross-coupling capacitor 交叉耦合电容器

cross-cutter 横切割器

cross-cutting chisel 横切凿

cross-cutting machine 横向剪毛机

cross-field electron beam multiplier 交叉电场电子束倍增器

cross-field generator 正交磁场发电机

cross-flow fan 横流式风机

cross-flow heat exchanger 叉流式热交换器

cross-flow induced draft cooling tower 抽风横流式冷却塔

cross-flow radiator 横流式散热器

cross-flow regenerator 横流式回热器

cross-flow turbine 双击式水轮机

cross-flow zone refiner 正交流动区域提纯器

cross-guide coupler 十字形定向耦合器

cross-mouthed alloy bit tip 十字合金钻头

cross-mouthed chisel 十字头凿

cross-mouthed drill 十字头钻

cross-over filter 交迭滤波器

cross-over pole 跨越杆

cross-rod loom 外侧开口式织机

cross-stitch book 十字绣花簿

cross-stitch canvas 刺绣十字布

cross-stitch embroidered bedsheet 十字绣花床单

cross-stitch embroidered pillowcase 十字绣花枕套

cross-stitch embroidery 十字绣

cross-stitch work bedsheet 十字绣床单

cross-stitch work with crochet square tablecloth 十字绣镶钩针方块台布

cross-stitch work with cutwork tablecloth 十字绣拼雕台布

cross-stitch work with filet tablecloth 十字绣镶方眼台布

cross-stitch work with venice square tablecloth 十字绣镶万缕丝方块台布

cross-wire welder 交叉焊接电焊机

cross-wire welding machine 十字交叉线材焊机

crossbar automatic telephone exchange 纵横制自动电话交换机

crossbar connector 纵横接线机

crossbar dimity 棱格细布

crossbar private automatic branch exchange system 纵横制自动电话小交换机

crossbar selector 纵横选择器

crossbar signal generator 纵横式信号发生器

crossbar switch 纵横开关

crossbar type automatic telephone switch board 纵横制自动电话交换机

crossed belt 交叉皮带

crossed lobes 交叉瓣

crossed loop antenna 交叉环形天线

crossed oil grooves 交叉油槽

crossed polarizer 交叉偏振光镜

crossed-coil type ratiometer 交叉线圈式电流比率计

crossed-field amplifier 交叉场放大器

crossing file 横锉

crossing insulator 跨越绝缘子

Crossland cotton 克罗斯兰棉

crosslinked cable 交联电缆

crosslinked cellulose fibre 交联纤维素纤维

crosslinked polystyrene 交联聚苯乙烯

crosslinked rayon 交联人造丝

crosslinked resin 交联树脂

crosslinked starch 交联淀粉

crosslinking agent 交联剂

crosslinking and automatic basifying agent for chrome tanning 铬鞣交联自动提碱剂

crossover fabric 横条花纹织物

crossover leno 窗帘纱

crosstalk attenuation tester 串音衰耗测试仪
