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copper weld wire 包铜钢丝

copper welding rod 铜焊条

copper wire bar  铜线锭

copper wire brush 红铜丝刷

copper wire cloth 铜丝布

copper wire gauze 铜丝网

copper wire mesh 铜网

copper wire netting 铜丝网

copper wire pliers 铜丝割钳

copper wire rope 铜丝绳

copper wire 紫铜丝

copper zinc solder 铜锌焊料

copper 紫铜

copper-constantan compensating conductor 铜-康铜补偿导线

copper-copper-nickel compensating conductor 铜-铜-镍补偿导线

copper-etching printer 铜蚀刻印刷机

Copper-Fixed 混铜灵杀菌剂

copper-glass composite fibre 铜-玻璃复合纤维

copper-gold alloy 铜金合金

copper-graphite bearing 铜-石墨轴承

copper-graphite brush 铜石墨电刷

copper-graphite-bronze alloy 铜-石墨-青铜合金

copper-lead bearing 铜铅合金轴承

copper-lead-bronze alloy 铜-铅-青铜合金

copper-lead-tin 铜铅锡合金

copper-nickel alloy 铜镍合金

copper-nickel ore 铜镍矿砂

copper-oxide meter 氧化铜仪表

copper-oxide modulator 氧化铜调制器

copper-plated iron screw ring 镀紫铜铁吊环螺钉

Copper-sardez 氧化亚铜杀菌剂

copper-sulfate impregnated pole 硫酸铜浸渍电杆

copper-tungsten 铜钨合金

copperas 绿矾

coppered steel wire 镀铜钢丝

coppered wire 包铜丝

copperized lead 含铜铅

copperleaf 铁苋菜

copperware 铜制品

copra oil 椰子油

Coprantol 王铜杀菌剂

Copro 磺王铜杀菌剂

coprocessor 协处理器

copter engine 直升飞机发动机

coptis bolus for clearing the upper heat 黄连上清丸

coptis root 黄连

coptis teeta pill 黄连丸

coptis teeta 黄连

coptis 黄连

copy book 习字帖

copy carving machine 仿形刻字机

copy engraving machine 仿形刻模铣床

copy holder 拷贝托架

copy lathe 靠模车床

copy machine 仿形机床

copy milling machine 靠模铣床

copy paper 拷贝纸

copy polishing machine tool 仿形抛光机床

copy router 仿形镂床

copy rule 仿形尺

copygraph 油印机

copying and duplicating machine 复制印刷机

copying and punching shear machine 仿形冲剪机

copying apparatus 拷贝机

copying autogenous cutter 仿形气割机

copying book 习字簿

copying boring bar 仿形镗杆

copying camera 复照仪

copying ink 复写墨水

copying lathe 仿形车床

copying lens 翻拍镜头

copying machine 复印机

copying milling machine 仿形铣床

copying paper 复印用纸

copying pencil 字迹不易拭去的铅笔

copying press 复印机

copying ribbon 打字色带

copying tissue 拷贝纸

coquille 贝壳形花边

coquita fibre 科奎塔纤维

cora  silk 科拉绸

coral ardisia root 朱砂根

coral carving 珊瑚雕刻品

coral colour cloth 珊瑚色布

coral coloured glaze 珊瑚釉

coral red cloth 珊瑚红色布

coral red 珊瑚红

coral rose colour cloth 珊瑚玫瑰色布

coral yarn 珊瑚纱线

coral 海石花

Coral 柯来而牌手表

coralline point 珊瑚纹手工针绣花边

coram 漂白粗亚麻布

corbadrine 可巴林

Corbit 蒽醌驱鸟剂

Corcel 科塞尔牌汽车

corchorus capsularis 圆果种黄麻

corchorus olitorius 长果种黄麻

cord adjuster 塞绳调节器

cord adjusting ball 塞绳长度调整球

cord adjusting box 塞绳调整箱

cord bag 绳编袋

cord braiding machine 编绳索机

cord carpet 起圈地毯

cord circuit repeater 塞绳中继器

cord de chine 凸纹直条薄呢

cord fabric 轮胎布

cord grip lamp holder 扣线灯座

cord knitting machine 针织圆带机

cord lace tablecloth 粗线花边台布

cord lace 粗线花边

cord making machine 制绳机

cord sash 嵌芯圆线带

cord stripe 直条凸纹织物

cord switch board 塞绳交换机

cord switch 拉线开关

cord thread 帘线

cord tie 缎带领带

cord trousering 裤料条花呢

cord tyre fabric 轮胎布

cord tyre 绳织轮胎

cord velvet 凸条丝绒

cord weight 绳锤

cord wheel 手摇纺车

cord with weight 带平衡锤的吊绳

cord wood saw 活动锯

cord yarn 捻合股线

cord 软绳
