About Festivals
Spring Festival marks the beginning of spring. Spring Festival is time for family reunion and feasts. Spring Festival is set either in late January or in early February. Soon after the festival ,the weather gets warmer and the spring farming begins. People celebrate the occasion all over the country for it’s the most important festival. We call on our friends and relatives, and wish one another happy new year. Besides Spring Festival, there’s still some other traditional festivals, such as the Mid-autumn Festival, the Dragon-boat Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, and so on.
It’s interesting that people may have different customs and traditions, but you can always find something in common. We want to see the old year out and welcome the near year in. I’m going to set off firecrackers and hang out lanterns. Our national minorities also have their own festivals. We’ve got a lot refreshments ready for visitors. Many families still honour their ancestors with traditional ceremories.
Most holidays and festivals are now commercialized, Christmas for example. Christmas is the most celebrated festival in my country .It’s also the time we buy goods at the sales. 节日 春节标志着春天的到来。 春节也是家庭团聚欢宴的日子。 春节有时在1月底,有时在2月初。 春节一过,天气转暖,春耕就要开始了。 全国普天同庆这一重要的节日。 我们走亲访友,互相恭贺新年。 除了春节,还有其他一些传统节日,比如说,中秋节、端午节、重阳节,等等。 真有趣,不管各国的风俗习惯与传统有多么不同,您总可以找到共同点。 我们要辞旧岁迎新年。 我要放鞭炮,挂彩灯。 我国的少数民族还有各自的传统节目。 我们准备了许多好吃的招待前来串们的客人。 许多人家仍以传统方式祭祖。 现在许多节假日都商业化了,圣诞节就是一例。 圣诞节在我国最热闹,也是我们花钱买些便宜货的日子。 |