
: 英语巴士网英语考试FECT金融英语英语考试内容详情




replenishment of funds 补充资金

repo security 回购抵押品

Report of the Securities Review Committee on the Operation and Regulation of the Hong Kong

Securities Industry 《香港证券业的运作及监察──证券业检讨委员会报告书》

Report on the Financial Market Review 《金融市场检讨报告》

reporting accountant 申报会计师

reporting mechanism 申报机制

reporting system 汇报系统

representative capacity 代表身分

representative of a commodity dealer 商品交易商代表

representative office 代表办事处

Republic National Bank of New York 美国利宝银行

repurchase 购回

repurchase agreement 回购协议

repurchase transaction 购回交易

reputed owner 据称拥有人

required liquid capital 规定速动资金;规定流动资金

requisite book 必需的簿册

requisite voucher 必需的凭单

requisition 申请书;申报表;请购单

Requisition for Revenue Stamps 购买印花申请书

re-registration 重新登记;重新注册

reschedule of payment 重新安排付款期限

rescue fund 储备金

Research and Planning Division 数据研究及策划科 〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

resell 反售;转售

reserve 储备;准备金

reserve account 储备帐

reserve assets 储备资产

reserve balance as a percentage of government expenditure


reserve capital 后备资本

reserve for bad debts 坏帐储备

reserve for contingencies 意外损失储备

reserve for exchange loss 汇兑损失储备

reserve fund 储备金;储备基金

reserve price 保留价格;最低价格

reserve ratio requirement 储备比率规定

reserved supplementary grant 备用追加补助金

Reserves Management Department 储备管理部〔香港金融管理局〕

resettlement grant 转业补助金;迁置补助金

resident director 本地董事
