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assets value 资产值    assignee 承让人    assignment 转让;转让书;转让契    assignment of interest 权益转让    assignment of letters patent and trade mark 专利证书及商标转让    assignment of property 物业转让;物业转让书    assignment right 转让权    assignor 转让人    associate 有联系的人;有关连人士;相联者;合伙人;联系人    Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司    associate member 附属会员    associated body corporate 相联法人团体    associated company 相联公司;联属公司    associated corporation 相联法团    Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA] [United Kingdom] 公认会计师公会〔英国〕    Association of Futures Exchange Brokers 香港期货经纪协会    Association of South-East Asian Nations [ASEAN] 东南亚国家联盟〔东盟〕    association of underwriters 承保人组织    assumption of control 接管    assurance 担保;保险;转易;转易书    assurance of interest 权益的转易    at 19XX price 按一九XX年价格计算    at a discount 按赔价计算;按贴水价格计算;打折扣    at a premium 按溢价计算;按升水价格计算    at call 通知付款;按通知    at constant market price 按固定市价计算    at constant price 按固定价格计算    at cost 按成本计算    at current market price 按当时市价计算;按现时市价计算    at current price 按当时价格计算;按现时价格计算    at factor cost 按要素成本计算;按生产要素成本计算    at money-of-the-day price 按付款当日价格计算    at or better 按指定或较佳价位〔买卖指令〕    at par 按面值计算;平价    at sight 见票即付    at the close 按收市盘    at the opening 按开市盘    attestation 见证;见证条款    at-the-money option 平价期权    attorney 受权人;受托代表人    attornment 新拥有人承认书    attributable profit 可归属利润    attributable share value 可归属股份价值    Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所    auction 拍卖    auctioneer 拍卖商    audit 审计;核数    Audit Commission 审计署    Audit Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Securities and Futures Commission] 稽核委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕;核数委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕    audit review 帐目审查    Audit Sub-committee [Exchange Fund Advisory Committee] 审核小组〔外汇基金咨询委员会〕    audited account 审计帐目;经审计的帐目    audited annual account 经审计的周年帐目    audited balance sheet 经审计的资产负债表    auditor 核数师;核数主任;审计师    auditor's certificate 核数师证明书;审计师证明书    auditor's report 核数师报告;审计师报告    Aussie bond 澳元债券    austerity budget 紧缩预算    Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited 澳洲纽西兰银行集团有限公司    Australia All Ordinaries Index 澳洲所有普通股票指数    Australian Dollar [AUD] 澳元    Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权市场    Australian Securities Commission 澳洲证券事务监察委员会    Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants 澳洲执业会计师公会
