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Overview of the Banking Industry in China

I.The Role of the Banking Sector in China

1.Although banks share many common features with other profit-seeking businesses, they play a unique role in the economy through mobilizing savings, allocating capital funds to finance productive investment, transmitting monetary policy, providing a payment system and transforming risks.




(2)the banking industry in China


例:the banking industry in China:中国银行业

the banking sector:银行业

a banking crisis:银行业危机

banking hours:银行营业时间


例:primary industry第一产业;初级产业(从事初级原材料,如煤炭、木材、农产品等生产的产业)

secondary industry第二产业;次级产业(从事利用初级原材料生产加工制成品的产业)

tertiary(service) industry第三产业;服务行业(不生产原材料,也不生产加工制成品,而仅提供服务的产业,例如银行业、零售业、会计工作等)


例:advertising industry:广告业

the insurance industry:保险业


例:All sectors of the economy suffered from the rise in the exchange rate.


public sector:政府部门;公营部门

private sector:私营部门


(3)share common features:具有共同特征

share: have a share:(share in sth):共有;分享;分担

例:to share losses(expenses):分担损失(费用)

to share the blame(responsibility):分担过失(责任)

to share in profits:分享利益

(4)profit-seeking business:以盈利为目的的企业

business: shop; commercial enterprise,etc:商店;工商企业等

(5)economy: ①(instance of) avoidance of waste of money,strength or anything else of value:节约;节俭

例:to introduce economies(economy measures) into the system:实行节约措施

economies of scale:规模经济(通过增加产量来降低成本,提高利润)

②system for the management and use of resources:经济(制度),一个国家的经济状况(一个国家的财政金融状况,一个国家赚钱、用钱的方式)

例:controlled economy:受政府控制的经济

free market economy:自由市场经济(政府对经济不进行任何形式的干预的经济制度)

global economy:全球经济

mixed economy:混合经济(既有国有工业也有私人企业的经济制度)

planned economy:计划经济(政府对所有经济活动进行计划的经济制度)

(6)to mobilize savings:动员储蓄

mobilize: v.collect together for service or use:动员(尤指战胜敌人的动员)

例:to mobilize capital


to mobilize resources to defend a takeover bid


(7)allocate capital funds to finance productive investment为生产性企业投资调配资金

allocate (to/for):give,put on one side, as a share or for a purpose:按计划分配;配给

例:to allocate shares:分配股份(将可供股票数目在大批申请购股人之间进行分配)

to allocate capital funds:分配资金;调配资金

We allocate 10% of yearly revenue to advertisement.我们把10%的年收入用于广告。

(8)finance: vt.provide money for (a scheme,etc):v.提供资金

例:to finance an operation:为一项目提供资金

(9)capital funds:资本金;资金

例:capital assets:资本资产(公司拥有并使用的房地产或机器等)

capital goods:资本品,生产资料(用于制造其他产品的商品,如机器设备等)

capital profit:资本盈余,资本利润(资产变卖所得利润)

(10)monetary policy:货币政策

monetary: a.of money or a currency:货币的;通货的

例:monetary control:货币控制(控制货币供应量)

the government‘s monetary policy政府的货币政策(与金融有关的政府政策,如货币供应量、银行利率、政府支出与借款)

monetary standard:货币本位(为货币固定比价,如把货币的价值同一定量黄金挂钩、称金本位制)

manetary targets:货币目标(政府在制定第二年预算时所确定的一些数字,如货币供应量、公共部门借款需求等)

monetary unit:货币单位(一国的或国家集团内的标准货币,如人民币的元、英镑、美元、法郎、非洲金融共同体法郎、欧共体货币单位等)

the international monetary system:国际货币体系(国与国之间控制货币和兑换货币的方式)

the International Monetary Fund(IMF):国际货币基金组织

(11)to transform risks转化风险;转移风险

risk: n.(instance of) possibility or chance of meeting danger,suffering loss,injury,etc:风险(可能的损害或危害);危险

例:to run a risk:冒风险(很可能遭受损害)

to take a risk:承担风险(做可能使自己损失钱财或遭受伤害的事)

1.First, banks serve as a principal repository of liquid funds for the public.


(1)serve: v.be satisfactory for a need or purpose:利于,合适;可作……用(与as或for连用)

例:A worm will serve as bait.蛹可作饵用。

This room will serve for the office.这个房间可作办公室用。

(2)the public:members of the community in general:公众;民众(此处引伸为"整个社会")

(3)principal repository:主要集散地;枢纽

principal: a.highest in order of importance:最重要的

repository:place where things are or may be stored:n.仓库,储藏所(此处引伸为"集散地,集散中心")

(4)liquid funds:流动资金

liquid: a.easily sold or changed into cash:易变现的,含有大量现金的,流动的

例:liquid assets:流动资产(指现金或易变现票据)

to go liquid:将(尽可能多的)资产转换成现金

liquid market:流动市场,交易旺盛的市场(某种证券的市场,这个市场有足够的股票可供出售而不扭曲价格。其反义词是thin market:交易清淡的市场)

2.The safety and availability of such funds for transactions and other purposes are essential to the stability and efficiency of the financial system.


(1)be essential to:对……至关重要

essential: a.necessary;indispensable;most important

(2)stability: n.quality of being stable:稳定性;安定

(3)efficiency: n.state or quality of being efficient:效力;效率

efficient: a.producing a desired or satisfactory result:有效力的;有效率的

(4)the financial system:金融体系

①financial: a.of finance:金融的;财务的

例:financial institutions:金融机构(从事证券投资业务的机构,比如银行同业协会、养老基金或保险公司)

financial intermediary:金融中介(从事吸收存款、发放贷款业务的金融机构,包括银行、租赁公司及各种类型的金融机构)

financial instrument:金融工具(在股票市场或其他金融市场进行的任何形式的投资,如购买股票、政府债券、大额存单、汇票等)

②system:group of things or parts working together in a regular relation:系统,体制;制度

例:a payment system:支付体系,支付系统

the whole financial system:整个金融系统

banking system:银行体系

information system:信息系统

monetary(money) system:货币制度

Paragraph 3

3.Second, by channeling savings to productive investments, banks play a key role in facilitating efficient allocation of scarce financial resources.


(1)channel……(to): v.cause to go through a channel:使经过某种路线前进;引导

channel: n.any way by which news,ideas,etc may travel:(消息,意见等传播的)途径;路线;方法

(2)savings: n.money saved up:(复)储金;储蓄

例:keep one‘s savings in a bank:把储蓄的钱存在银行

savings account:储蓄账户

(3)productive investments:生产性投资(领域)

(4)to play a unique role (in):发挥着特殊作用

to play a key role (in):起着关键作用

(5)to facilitate efficient allocation of:有效配置……

facilitate: vt.make easy;lessen the difficulty of:使容易;使便利

(6)scarce financial resources:有限的(稀缺的)金融资源

scarce: a.not available in sufficient quantity; not equal to the demand:缺乏的;稀罕的
