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2023-12-06 13:52:58 15

function temptimebegingr2(){var ttt=0;var now = new Date();document.time1.testtimebegingr2.value=now.getTime();} 16.  A) had left B) has left C) was left D) would be leaving17.  A) had been B) came C) was D) would be18.  A) should B) had to C) would D) was able to19.  A) told B) spoke C) said D) talked20.  A) run out B) run of C) run out of D) run away21.  A) through B) across C) cross D) along22.  A) latest B) last C) late D) later23.  A) to being late B) for being late C) to be late D) for the late24.  A) mind B) listen C) notice D) hear25.  A) took down with business B) came down to business C) settled down with business D) got down to business26.  A) filled out B) took out C) sent out D) threw away27.  A) haven't you B) do you C) have you D) don't you28.  A) even more sure B) much sure C) even sure of D) sure of29.  A) a few such B) a few more C) much a few D) more a few30.  A) As her surprise B) To her surprised C) For her surprised D) To her surprise31.  A) even more surprise B) even much surprise C) even more surprised D) even much surprised32.  A) starting B) to start C) start D) started33.  A) by a smile B) with a smile C) by smile D) with smile34.  A) It B) This C) That D) He35.  A) not at all B) after all C) all D) after that
Linda was a few minutes late. Wilson __16__ the office when she got there. His secretary told her he __17__ back in a few minutes. She __18__ sit down and wait for a few minutes in outer office. "Ill never get this job," she __19__ herself. For a moment she wanted to __20__ the building. Just then, Wilson came __21__ the door and hurried into his office. A few minutes __22__ his secretary took Linda in and introduced her, Linda apologized __23__ . Wilson didnt seem to __24__ .They chatted casually (随便地) for a few seconds and then __25__ . He __26__ her letter of application. "Youve never worked in radio or television before, __27__ ? "he said. Now she was __28__ that she would not get the job. Wilson asked her __29__ questions. __30__ he seemed impressed with her other qualifications(资格).She was __31__ when he asked her if she could start soon. "I wonder if youd mind __32__ next month?" he asked __33__ . __34__ seemed she had got the job __35__ .
function temptimeendr2(){var ttt=0var now = new Date()document.time1.testtimeendr2.value=now.getTime();} 

function temptimebegingr3(){var ttt=0;var now = new Date();document.time1.testtimebegingr3.value=now.getTime();}
A In the traditional(传统的)marriage,  the man worked at a job to earn money for the family , Most men worked in an office , a factory, or some other place away from the home .Since the man earned the money , the paid the bills(帐).The money was used for food , clothes , the house , and other family needs , The man made most of the decisions , He was the boss,  In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. she stayed at home to care for the children and her husband, She cooked meals, cleaned the house , washed the clothes , and did other housework , Her job at home was very important. In recent years , many couples(夫妇)continue to have a traditional relationship of the kind . The man has a job and earns the money for the family . The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house .Many Americans are happy with the kind of marriage .But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities(责任). There are two important differences in male(男性)and female (女性)roles(角色)now. One is that both men and women have many more choices .They may choose to marry or to stay single .They may choose to work or stay at home .Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them. A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared .The husband and wife may choose to have children,  or they may not .If they have children,  the man take care of them some of the time , all of the time or not at all .The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children .Or she may want to go to work .Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage , Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families
