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第一部分 听力(略)
第二部分   英语知识运用
第一节  单项填空
21. You ________ help me if you don't have time. I can do the job myself.
[A] aren't able to    [B] don't have to    [C] aren't going to    [D] mustn't
22. Next August, Bob and Sue _________ for 10 years.
[A] are married                           [B] have been married
[C] will have been married                 [D] will marry
23. The sun gives off light and warmth, _________ is very important to the living things on the earth.
[A] that             [B] which           [C] what              [D] where
24. Would you please wait for me _________ few minutes?
[A] more            [B] some            [C] another           [D] other
25. It _________ hard when I left the house.
[A] rains             [B_) is raining        [C] rained             [D] was raining
26. After a long discussion, they at last ________ a conclusion that the experiment should be continued.
[A] made            [B] found            [C] discovered         [Dj drew
27. The stars are _________ when there is no moon.
[A] the brighter      [B] more bright      [C] brightest          [D] brighter.
28. -Do you mind if Tom rides in your car?
-_________. I ' II be glad to take anybody but Tom.
[A] Certainly not     [B] No, I do        [C] Not at all         [D] Yes, I do
29. His grandfather ________ for fifteen years.
[A] died             [B] was dead         [C] has been dead     [D] has died
30. The light is still on. They _________ to switch it off.
[A] may forget                              [B] should have forgotten
[C] must have forgotten                      [D] can't have forgotten
31. No one can prevent us _________ taking the socialist road.
[A] with             [B] from            [C] to                [D] for
32. The population of Shanghai is bigger than ________ of Qingdao.
[A] this              [B] those            [C] it                 [D] that
33. She promised her parents to write _________ while she was away.
[A] the other day     [B] each other day    [G] every other day    [D] any other day
34. -Mike has lived in Beijing for 5 years.
-Yes, but he _________ can ' t speak Chinese.
[A] hardly           [B] nearly          [C] yet              CD] still
35. Neither you nor he ________ to blame.
[A] is              [B] be              [C] are              [D] am
 第二节  完形填空
阅读下面短文 ,从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A .B .C和D )中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Human beings have used tools for a very long time. In some parts of the world you can still find tools that people used more than two million years ago. They made these tools by hitting one stone   (36) another. In this way they broke off pieces from one of the stones. These chips of stone were usually  (37)  on one side. People used them for   (38)   meat and skin from dead animals, and   (39)   for making other tools out of wood. Human beings need   (40)   tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat-eating   (41)   , such as lions and tigers. Tools helped people to get food more   (42)   .
Working with tools also helped to   (43)   human intelligence. The human brain grew bigger, and uman beings began to invent more and more tools and machines. The stone chip was one of the first tools   (44)   people used, and perhaps   (45)   the most important. Some scientists say that it was the key   46   the success of mankind.
Since 1960 a new kind of tool has appeared. This is the silicon chip( & ft )@a little chip of silicon crystal. It is   (47)    than a fingernail, but it can   (48))    more than a million "bits" of information. It is   (49)   electronic brain.
Every year these chips get cleverer, but   (50)   size gets smaller, and their cost gets   (51)   .
Human beings used   (52)   chips for more than two million years, but human   (53)   changed very little in that time. We have used silicon chips for   (54)   a few years, but life is changing faster every day.
(55)   will life be like in twenty years?
36. [A] after            [B] to             [C] against           [D] among
37. [A] sharp           [B] hot             [C] strange           [D] weak
38. [A] hitting           [B] cutting          [C] hit               [D] cut
39. [A] not             [B] only            [C] just             [D] also
40. [A] store            [B] find            [C] use              [D] repair
41. [A] animals          [B] persons          [C] tools             [D] people
42. [A] easy            [B] easily          [C] difficult          [D] hard
43. [A] prevent          [B] hard            [C] develop          [D] open
44. [A] that            [B] which          [C] what            [D] as
45. [A] they're          [B] it's            [C] there're          [D] you're
46. [A] of            [B] in            [C] to             [D] on
47. [A] smaller          [B] bigger          [C] newer            [D] softer
48. [A] send            [B] produce         [C] store             [D] destroy
49. [A] an            [B] one           [C] a              [D] the
50. [A] its             [B] our            [C] their            [D] your
51. [A] more            [B] fewer           [C] greater           LD] less
52. [A] stone           [B] silicon         [C] wood            [D] iron
53. [A] body            [B] life             [C] nature           [D] health
54. [A] quite            [B] only            [C] nearly            [D] hardly
55. [A] How          [B] When         [C] What          [D] Why
