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第二节 完形填空
During the 19th century scientists found that when a certain part of man were (16), he would lose the (17) to do certain things. And so people thought that each part of the brain does a (18) job. But modern research has found out that this is (19), for it is not easy to say exactly what each part of the head does.
In the past fifty years there (20) a great increase in the amount of research (21) on the brain. Chemists and biologist have (22) that the way the brain works is not so simple (23) people in general may be. Chemists tell us that about 1000,000 chemical changes (24) in the brain every second. Some recent researches also (25) that man can remember everything (26) happens to him. We may (27) to recall the thing we have heard or seen, but it is all kept there in the storehouse of the human head.
Earlier scientists said that the power of (28) brain got weaker and weaker as (29) grows older. But it is now (30) that that is not true. (31) the brain is given enough exercise, it keeps its ability. (32) has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has (33) mind than a young person who has only done (34) work (35) using much of his brain.
16 a. destroyed          b. hurt       c. broken         d. lost
17 a. strength           b. forces     c. power          d. right
18 a. busy               b. difficult c. same           d. different
19 a. not so             b. true       c. interesting    d. correct
20 a.  has bad           b. has been   c. was            d. had been
21 a. made               b. worked     c. doing          d. carrying
22 a. seen           b. uncovered      c. disclosed      d. discovered
23 a.  to            b.  for           c. that           d.  as
24 a. get            b. go through     c. take place     d. take part
25 a.  suggest       b.  know          c.  advise        d. think
26 a.  it            b.  else          c. that           d. what
27 a.  be unable     b. be able        c. be             d. not be
28 a.  its           b.  its          c.  one           d.  ones
29 a.  it            b.  they          c.  we            d.  one
30 a.  known         b.  regarded      c.  considered    d. thought
31 a.  Since         b.  As long as    c.  Whether       d.  As soon as
32 a.  It            b. That           c.  This          d.  They
33 a.  slower        b.  quicker       c.  bigger        d.  smaller
34 a.  hard          b.  physical      c.  chemical      d.  mental
35 a.  no            b.  for           c.  of            d.  without
第三部分 阅读理解
Chicago is a great town. I love it. We have two baseball teams here, the Cubs and the White Sox. I like the Cubs. The White Sox are boring and theyre losers, too. I never go to their games. But theres a lot more than Chicago than baseball. Look around, were in the city now. This is Michigan Avenue. Theres the John Hancodk Center.
That building is 100 storeys high! Thats too high, if you ask me, if there is a fire on the 85th or 90th floor, how are the firemen going to put it out? Theres no chance... Look over there.    
Theres a large building. Its the sears Tower. That building is 110 storeys high! ... Do you see those round buildings? Those buildings are the Marine City Apartments (flats). Those buildings have 60 floors each. Thousands of people in each one. Imagine that, all those people in two buildings, its terrible to have so many neighbors. Theres the Merchandise Mart. Thats another big building. Do you know whats in the building? There are stores, restaurants, a bank, a post office, a radio station and a TV station. Its too crowded... Well, here we are. Remember, ask any cab driver about Chicago. We know everything about this town.
36 Why does the speaker never go to the White Soxs games?
a. Because they dont play well.
b. Because he doesnt like baseball.
c. Because they usually play in other cities.
d. Because theres a lot more to Chicago than baseball.
37 It seems to the speaker that ( ).
a. the Sears Tower is not high enough
b. the Marina City Apartments are crowed
c. the Merchandese Mart is crowded
d. there are many other buildings in Chicago
38 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
a. Its great fun to live in big cities like Chicago.
b. There are many stores and restaurants in the Merchandise Mart.
c. Its not a good thing to have too many neighbors.
d. There are very many tall buildings in Chicago.
39 Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
a. They are going along Michigan Avenue.
b. The speaker likes to go to the Cubs games.
c. Firemen can put out any fire in high buildings.
d. Cab drivers know almost everything about the town.
40.We know from the passage that the speaker is probably ( ).
a. a visitor                    b. a tour guide
c. a taxi driver                d. a bus conductor
Jonathan Rivers lived alone in a neat house in Compton Street and worked in London. Like many other single men in their middle age, he was getting rather set in his ways. He looked after the house well and had a beautiful garden. Before he left the house in the morning, he would carefully close all the doors downstairs, open some windows upstairs to let the air in and lock the front door.
One summer evening Jonathan returned home as usual, just at five minutes to seven. When he opened the front gate he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the earth in one of the flowers beds. Jonathan was just going to blame the milkman when he noticed that one of the white curtains in the front room downstairs was out of place. Jonathan never left anything out of place.
He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few moments but could hear nothing. The front-room door was half-open. Jonathan studied it thoughtfully, wondering if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten to do it before. He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked inside the room. The shadow of a man was clearly reflected on the far wall in the evening sunlight. The man had clearly been standing behind the door since Jonathans return. Jonathan immediately locked the door. Then he calmly picked up the telephone in the hall and set about calling the police.
The bugler, a tall fellow with a beard, tried to climb through a window to get out but Jonathan had expected that. He attacked him with his umbrella, using it like a sword. Three minutes later the police arrived on the scene. Jonathan was little annoyed that he had to have dinner later than usual but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.
41 From the sentence Like many other single men in their middle age, he was getting rather set in his ways we learn that ( ).
a. Middle-aged men are likely to have different ways of living.
b. Many other single men in the world would rather live like Jonathan.
c. Jonathan liked to do things in the same way as other middle-aged 
single men.
d. Jonathan was getting into the habit of doing things in the same 
way every day.
42 What was the first thing Jonathan noticed when he came back home one 
summer evening?
a. A curtain in the front room was not in its place.
b. The windows of the front room were open.
c. There was a sign of the postmans entering his room.
d. A heavy footprint was in one of the flower beds.
43 Did the bugler know Jonathans coming home? How do you know?
a. Yes, because he hid himself behind the half-opened door.
b. Yes, because he was ready to hit Jonathan on the back.
c. No, because he was still stealing in the room.
d. No, because he kept the door half-open.
44 What did Jonathan do when the bugler attempted to escape from the 
a.  He called the police by shouting at the top of his voice.
b.  He immediately locked the door and rushed to the police station.
c.  He hit the bugler with the point of his umbrella.
d. He had expected that the bugler would hit him.
45 We learn from the passage that Jonathan ( ).
a. was strong enough to fight the bugler
b. was quite inexperienced in dealing with buglers
c. had a close friend who was a policeman
d. hated his routine to be disturbed by anything unexpected
