
: 英语巴士网英语考试PETS公共英语英语考试内容详情


2023-12-06 13:23:22 16
30. [A] what [B] that [C] which [D] it31. [A] Some [B]Many [C]Most [D]Few32. [A] outside [B] except [C]as [D]like33. [A] extensive [B] entire [C] overall [D] enormous34. [A] way [B] means [C] habit [D] technique35. [A] world [B] earth [C] geography [D] globe36. [A] second [ B] later [C] next [D] latter37. [A] learns [ B ] studies [ C ] realizes [ D ] understands38. [A] upon [B] for [C]as [D] to39. [A] neither [B] either [C] one [D] each40. [A] for . [B]to [C]as [D]by41. [A] exceptions [B] sameness [C] differences [D] divisions42. [A] being [B] are [C] be [D] were43. [A] although [B] whether [C] since [D] that44. [A] still [B] then [C] nevertheless [D] moreover45. [A] working [ B ] looking [ C ] arriving [ D ] getting
