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Directions: Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

​Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

On line courses (also called distance learning) are a hot new trend in American education. According to the nonprofit Distance Education and Training Council, about 400 US colleges and schools offer some portion of their programs on the We b. At the university level, they cost the same as traditional classes and requir e similar weekly assignments and textbook reading, the difference is in class pa rticipation.

Generally speaking, students congregate(使聚集) on line throughout each week to explore topic with the professor, but these discussions occur “asynchronousl y(不同时发生地)” rather than in real time. (You read others’ comments and post your own whenever you get a chance.) Written assignments are posted, you e mail in your work periodically, and you’re required to take a proctored exam in order to receive degree credit. Career boosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you’ll also find a variety of literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign lang uage study. While you still can’t get an Ivy League degree on line, a growing number of elite(卓越的) institutions, including Stanford and New York Univer sity are beginning to offer on line courses.

The benefits for busy people are obvious. “I always get a front row seat,” says one student studying at the State University of New York Learning Network. “I can get up in the middle of class, grab a cup of coffee. The class is waiting for me when I get back, and I haven’t missed a thing.” On the other hand, some students miss the face to face interaction that often sparks interest and involvement.

36.Generally speaking, on line education costs ____.

A.more than the traditional one

B.less than the traditional one

C.as much as the traditional one

D.the author hasn’t mentioned

37.The major way to hand out assignments of on line students is ____.

A.to hand out them in person

B.to post them

C.to email in them

D.to let the teacher enter into their personal main pages

38.Which kind of program is probably NOT welcomed by most of the students?

A.Software development.

B.Decoration and design.

C.International trade.

D.Company management.

39.The closest meaning of “Ivy League” (Par. 2) ____.

A.famous universities in USA

B.famous business colleges in USA

C.famous companies in USA

D.universities with a long history

40.It is implied that in USA ____.

A.on line education will take the place of the traditional one soon

B.there are only a few on line programs until now

C.one need not take part in the exam in order to receive a diploma by way of on line education

D.one can not receive a degree certificate of New York University through distant learning


36-40 CCBAD





