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For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers.You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words.Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.



No body could deny the fact that trust is the foot-stone for a profit-making organization in every walk of life. Against the background of an era featured by increasing commercialization and digitization, it is exceedingly crucial to build trust between businesses and consumers.

At the top of the list, trust can lay a solid foundation for commercial activities. If businesses fail to establish  trust between themselves and their consumers, customers will lack purchasing confidence when the businesses provide goods and services, with these organizations suffering a great loss in finance ; therefore, it does great harm to businesses if they abuse the trust. More importantly, in a netted world,if a company has a dishonest attitude toward its customer, the adverse side-effect of such dishonesty can spread at a high speed beyond imagination, which can exert devastating consequences on the business even the whole commercial atmosphere. 

Taking into account what has been argued above, we may safely arrive at a conclusion that businesses should take a leading role in establishing customers trust: to be honest to their consumers. Undoubtedly, it is sensible for commercial organizations to keep in mind that honesty is the best policy, because where is trust, there is money.









本次六级作文三套试卷中考察的都是建立信任的重要性:分别是建立企业与消费者之间的互信、建立师生之间的互信以及建立老板和员工之间的互信。大家可以采取典型的三段论写作套路:第一段提出问题:信任对于各行各业都重要,商业活动更是如此。第二段进行重要新分析——为什么建立企业和消费者的信任是如此重要。第三段解决问题——企业应该起主导作用;也可以从法律法规方面着手解决。更多本次四六级真题和答案资料请大家关注文都教育官网。 保护原创,欢迎转发!

