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5月4日是五四青年节,今天要来和大家分享关于爱护环境的小tips,做一名爱国爱护环境的进步青年!今天谈论的环境主题是:End Plastic Pollution(终止塑料污染),而且今天谈论的主题相信对大家备考四六级的作文很有帮助哦!Let's get started!


We know that plastic pollution is a thing,people are using plastic everyday and a lot of it just gets used once.These are called "disposable plastic",like bottles,plastic utensils or wrappers.Plastic,as many of you know,does not decompose well.So once thrown away,it becomes a permanent pollution.In order to help this beautiful planet that we live in, I'm here to share three simple easy-to-excute tips on how you can help the environment.It's easy as 1,2,3.我们都知道塑料污染的问题一直存在,人们每天都在使用塑料用具,而且很多都只是使用一次,这些垃圾被我们称为“一次性塑料”,像是塑料瓶、塑料餐具或是包装纸。相信大家都知道塑料是很难分解的,所以一旦丢弃,就会变成永久的污染。为了帮助我们居住的这颗美丽星球,今天英语君在这里和大家分享三步十分容易执行而且对环境有利的小“贴士“,而且这些步骤非常简单。

(1)Recycling 回收

For families,domestic waste is usually divided into three parts.Trash,recyclables and kitchen waste.Now,as a matter of fact,government is doing a great job in encouraging its citizens to recycle.We should really keep up the good work!And recycle waste room is where we do our recycling.The main gist of things is to properly categorize the materials.对于一般家庭来说,家庭垃圾通常分为三类:一般垃圾、回收垃圾以及餐厨垃圾。事实上,现在政府十分赞同并且鼓励市民回收垃圾,因此我们真的得保持这个好习惯。回收垃圾室就是我们根据垃圾材料分类放好、回收的地方。

(2)Avoid disposable plastic避免使用一次性塑料

If you collect the week's worth of disposable utensils,you would end up like just collecting them.Rahter than wasting all these materials,we should avoid using disposable items and start using reusable ones.For our second tips,let's do a "What's in my bag".Firstly,I have utnsils for eating and drinking.Next,I always carry around a tote bag when I'm shopping.So you won't have to ask for plastic bags.Finally,this is  如果你收集了一个星期的免洗餐具,最后你可能是收集得越来越多。比起浪费所有的免洗餐具,我们应该避免使用一次性用具,并且改用可重复使用的。好了,现在来看看我的书包里面有什么吧!首先,我有环保餐具。其次,在购物时我还带着环保袋,这样我就不用额外向店员要塑料袋。

(3)Go vegetarian 吃素

The last tip seems not really directly tied to plastic pollution,but it's still good for the environment.Eating less meat is proven to be environmentally friendly.Rasing animals requires a lot of resources compared to vegetables and they also represent 18% of greenhouse gas emissions globally.So,by cutting down the need for meat,we are doing the environment a huge favor.最后一个”贴士“看起来对塑料污染没有直接的关系,但是吃素对环境真的有好处。吃更少的肉已经证明是对环境有利的。相比于种植蔬菜,养殖动物需要大量的资源而且它们占了18%的温室气体排放量。所以,吃少点肉,真的对环境非常有利。

I truly believe that if everyone follows through these three tips ,we'll be much better than on the whole.
