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Fundamental Knowledge

Test takers who receive scores at Excellent level, typically
1.  对重要法律英语术语和基本法律概念有很好的掌握。
     Have a good command of important legal English terms and basic legal concepts.
2.  对美国法律知识有很好的掌握,擅长合同法、商法、知识产权法和民事侵权法案例的分析。
     Have a good command of American legal knowledge and excel in analyzing cases on contract law, business law, intellectual property law and torts.
3.  能够确定复杂案例的关键问题,做出合理分析并得出正确结论。
     Be able to define key issues of complex cases, analyze accordingly and then make correct conclusions.

Case Reading, Translation and Writing

Test takers who receive scores at Excellent level, perform well on
1.   阅读 Case Reading
⑴   充分解读案例
      Complete understanding
⑵   英语运用恰当、精确
      Good command of English with appropriate and accurate diction
2.   翻译 Translation
⑴   译文能真实反映原文,即使在词汇、句法、标点和拼写方面有一两处错误。
      The translation accurately reflects the original passage with only some minor errors in vocabulary, syntax, punctuation or spelling.
⑵   译文准确、规范、通顺。
      The translation is accurate, standard and smooth.
3.   写作 Writing
⑴   主旨明确,证据有力,过渡自然,组织有逻辑性。
      The essay is well-written with a clear topic, convincing evidence, natural transition and logical organization.
⑵   文法正确,结构严谨,法律英语术语准确、正式。
      The essay is well-written with appropriate grammar, well-knit structure, accurate and formal legal English terms.
⑶   律师信函,法律备忘录,案件辩论书格式准确。
      The essay is well-written with a standard format of legal letters, legal memoranda and  briefs.


Fundamental Knowledge

Test takers who receive scores at Good level, typically
1.  基本掌握重要法律英语术语和基本法律概念。
     Have a fair command of important Legal English terms and basic legal concepts.
2.  基本掌握美国法知识,尤其是了解如何办理合同法,商法,知识产权法和民事侵权法案件。
     Have a fair command of American legal knowledge, especially knowing how to deal with cases on contract law, business law, intellectual property law and torts.
3.  能够确认案例大部分关键问题并相应做出分析。
     Be able to define majority of key issues of cases and analyze accordingly.

Case Reading, Translation and Writing

The following is the evaluation to the test takers, who receive scores at Good level
1.   阅读Case Reading
⑴   基本理解案例
      General understanding
⑵   英语运用较好,尽管有些有词语使用不精确和不恰当
      Fair command of English with inaccurate and inappropriate diction
2.   翻译 Translation
⑴   译文充分反映原文章的大部分意思。
      The translation adequately reflects most of the original passage.
⑵   大部分译文通顺, 翻译基本准确。
      The translation flows smoothly for the most part and is basically accurate.
3.   写作 Writing
⑴   能充分地满足写作的大部分要求。结构合理,尽管有些观点不明确,内容不连贯,论据乏力。
      The essay adequately accomplishes most of the writing task. It demonstrates a developed organizational structure, though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance, clarity or consistency.
⑵   在词汇,拼写,标点或句法方面有一些错误,导致文章意思模糊,但基本上可以反映出考生正确使用语言能力。
      The essay has occasional errors in vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may lead to obscure meaning, but for the most part displays some ability to use the language with accuracy.
