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next largest number of students came from the Middle East. The number of students from the Middle East came to about one-third the number from South and East Asia. The fourth largest number came from South America. Next came Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania. Let's recapitulate what we've said. The largest number of students studying in the United States during the academic year 1995/96 were from South and East Asia, followed by the Middle East, South America, Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania.

What fields are these large numbers of foreign students studying in? It probably won't surprise you to learn that the largest number are in the field of engineering. In fact, 21.7% of the total number are studying engineering. Business and management is close behind, however, with a total of 18.9%. The third most popular field was mathematics and computer sciences with 10.3%. As you can see, engineering with 21.7%, business and management with 18.9%, and mathematics and computer sciences with 10.3% comprise about one half of the total number of foreign students.

Let's talk about which academic levels these students can be found in. Foreign students can be found studying at all levels of higher education. As you might expect, the greatest number of them are studying at the undergraduate level ? approximately 158,000. The second largest group study at the graduate level and that number is just under 122,000. The rest study at junior colleges or in non-degree programs. It is at the graduate level that foreign students have the most impact. While foreign students comprise only 2.7% of the total U.S. student population, they account for 8.7% of all the graduate students studying at U. S. institutions. Let me give you those percentages again so you can get a better feel for the overall picture. Foreign students make up only 2.75 of the total U. S. student population, but they make up 8.7% of the total graduate student population.

Well, I see that's all the time we have today. We'll have to leave discussions of the geographic areas these students study in until another time.

Now you are going to hear the talk a second time.


You now have 3 minutes to check your answers to Questions 1 - 10.

That is the end of Part C. You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

That is the end of Listening Comprehension.

SECTION II: Use of EnglishRead the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations,

(1) _____ to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achievement.The survey of 643 children and adults, aged from pre-school to 40-plus, also suggests

(2) _____ pen-holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far

(3) ______ attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style.Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher

(4) ______ findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area

(5) _______ she noticed that those pupils who had the most trouble with spelling

(6) ______ had a poor pen grip. While Ms. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link

(7) ______ pen-holding style and accuracy in spelling, she

(8) ______ find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults, and a definite

(9) ________ between near-point gripping and slow, illegible writing.People who

(10) ______ their pens at the writing point also show other characteristics

(11) ______ inhibit learning,

(12) _______ as poor posture, leaning too

(13) ______ to the desk, using four fingers to grip the pen
