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2023-12-06 13:00:34 2


Nipponex Eletuics

Tokyo, Japan

27 December 1996

Amperlite Ltd

146 O'Leary St

Dublin, Ireland

Dear Sirs,

Improved ways of production make us able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries (电池)at a reduced price for large quantities.

Further information of the new prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter, and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 per cent. As c.i.f (成本,保险加 运费)to Dublin is included in our prices, you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same batteries, both here in Japan and elsewhere. The quality of our producers

remains the same —— only the finest chemicals are used. The new prices are for the least orders of 1,000 pounds and will begin from January 1. Immediate sending off is guaranteed because enough can be made whenever you require it.

We appreciate your past dealing and co-operstion (合作) with us, and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.

Yours Truly

Nipponex Electrics

40.The underlined word “guaranteed” in the passage. Probably means ______.

A. in our charge B. of a little problemC. difficulty D. quite sure

41.From the passage we know the quality of the products _______.

A. is as high as before B. is lower C. is improved  D.is reduced

42.If the Irish expect to enjoy the 5% of reduction at prices, they should _______.

A. pay the Japanese at least £1,000 B. order 1,000 pounds of batteries in weight

C. order£1,000 worth batteries at least D. pay the Japanese £1,000 ahead

43.Why will the Japanese reduce the price at 5 per cent? Because ______.

(1)。 the Japanese producer holds a large quantity of stores and can't sell them out

(2)。the Japanese have improved their production means and can turn out more products

(3)。they expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year

(4)。the Irish think the prices in the past are unfair

(5)。they try to sell more products in the past are unfair

(6)。they want to appreciate the Irish's co-operation

A. (1)(3)(5)B. (2)(4)(6)C. (2)(3)(5)D. (1)(4)(6)


Woman have more problems than men in old age. First of all, they have less money-or no money at all - and because of this, they often feel they get less respect , even at home. Quite a large number have no pension(退休费) because they have never worked outside the home, and thirty-eight percent are supported mainly by their husbands or children. Second, a larger number of old women than old men become window(single women)。 Men are normally older than the women they marry, and women generally live longer than men. The remarriage among older windows is lower than that among widows(single men)。 Statistics (统计) from 1990 in Shanghai show only 52 percent of elderly women with husbands still living, compared to(与——相比)82 percent of men.

Because of lower incomes and the difficulty of remarriage, many elderly women who live alone, are poor and have almost no social life. Even an old couple lives with children, it is the woman who ends up doing the work around the house. She cleans the rooms, prepares meals, and takes care of the family. Some 75 percent of them carry out such heavy physical tasks as buying and carrying grain, coal and other supplies for the home. How to improve the quality of life of women in their later years is a question that needs to be dealt with by all the society.

44.If they had more money, elderly women _______.

A. would have no more problem  B. could live a fairy life

C. would get more respect D. would need no care of others

45.In Shanghai, of 150 elderly women, only ______have husbands still living.

A.75. B.52. C.82.   D.78.

46.According to the statistics, suppose there are 150,000 elderly men, _____of them are


A.27,000 B.78,000   C.72,000 D.123,000

47.According to the writer, _______.

A. elderly women should be paid well B. elderly women should live with their families

C. all people should do something for elderly women

D. housework should not be done by elderly women
