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2023-12-06 13:00:16 18
Grant/refuse permission for sth 允许/拒绝…事的许可(n.)
Are you local? 你是当地人吗?
Voluntary adj. 自愿的 volunteer n. 自愿者
Smoke weed 吸大麻
Sea weed 海带/海草 (波力海苔)
On the rocks 触礁(作表语)
Sign 及物动词
Sign an agreement /a letter/a cheque /a contract/a lease
签协议       /  信   /支票    /合同     /租约
sign up for sth. 报名/签约参加…
convince sb. To do …说服…人做…事
I‘m convinced that
It believe that…
Hang out with sb.
Hang on!
Hang up the phone 挂断电话
Hang in there. 坚持住。
Embark on/upon sth. 开始做…事(比较正式) = start sth.

discuss sth.
Go off to college 离开去学校。
I had nothing to do = there was nothing to do
Go off to = leave for
Keep sb. Busy 保持忙碌
Similar= alike 相似的

was on &.be on 放映
the leader = frontman 主唱

cinema-goer = movie-goer电影观众put up 忍受
with no fear of    fear n. 不用害怕
no worry about       worry n. 不用担心
a third  1/3

in  months 几个月来
ask sb not to     to  动词不定式的否定形式
at 7 sharp  7点整   sharp 整点
had better to sth.
Had better not do sth.
With their permission 有了…的允许
End doing sth. =end up doing sth. 最后做…事
A gang of kids 一群小孩子
Even/much/keep far + greater     后面+er 比较级
Press up 俯卧撑
Abs 腹肌
Pecs 胸肌 复数
I will go traveling =I like traveling          like 后面不+go, 直接动词ing形式
He has been to Japan.  去过日本,已经回来了
He has been in Shanghai for 20 years   呆了很长时间,现在还在。
He has gone to U.S.   去了,刚去美国,没回来
Dad make me learn English. 要我学英语。强迫的语气  make sb. Do sth. 没有to
I‘m made to learn English.
That John changed his mind soon was a great surprise to everyone. 主语从句, that 没有意义
Expense of 以…代价
