
: 英语巴士网英语考试GRE-GMAT英语英语考试内容详情


1、 墨西哥妇女对社会的贡献是?(最后一句话。这题我差点选错。主要是第三题就碰到了文章,太紧张了。这题我通读了全文,但是还是没有找到答案,然后就用排除法选择了“加强了社会上货物和商品的流通”。在作第二题的时候,我才忽然看到,原来这题就是考文章的最后一句话,真是土!)
2、 文章三短的结构?
3、 文章的主题?
4、 下面哪个选项是对墨西哥妇女的正确描述。(泛泛的细节题)


3.水星上ice water的问题。
一般理论认为水星上没有水,因为其表面温度很高。但新拍照片发现其北极有一些东西,经过与火星上冰帽的照片比较,就是冰帽。怎么会有水存在呢?一种可能是水星自转会倾斜90度角,这样阳光就照不到南北极了。所以南北极的温度就低了。另外一种解释是新的仪器可拍到水星地表以下多少的东西,也许这些冰帽是在地表以下保存的。 有一道问题是问水星南北极的不同。

4. Global warming and cooling effect of pollution. Pollutants can cool the world because they can interact with the cloud to form the rain droplets. Night temperatures have increased while day temperatures remain stable (one question asking you why?). However, the cooling effect is complex. For example, temperature is higher on snow surface than on the ice surface (one question asking you why the author mentioning ice surface). The conclusion is that pollution masks the global warming effect. If stop pollution now, the cooling effect will be finished immediately but the global warming is long term effect and will continue so the global temperature will increase substantially. (very strange no question on conclusion)

5. Union / Africa American relationship. The key topic in this article is that whether second world war has improved the relation or not (one question about it). One point of view considered yes but another side said no (the union always kept its status quo biased to the white people). The author considers that two sides are not consultable and the history reality is not reducible to either (one question on this). The author also proposed a dilemma about the union. To keep the status quo or to be inclusive (more black people).
One question is about the context of this article.

6. Women and politics. Traditional view excludes women in political research. Recently some new points of view have been developed (one question here). Some think women should be considered in the political analysis and especially linked to the social role or sth.... Another lady considers women has role in political partison. She thinks at beginning women are part of a party although the party does not give too much importance to them because women need an established party to express their views. But since no party gives too much shit to them (one example that one party famous for tolerant to women but still it failed to give priority to women—one question on this), women became frustrated and organised their own party.

7. IT in business. Very easy article. It’s about huge investments in IT but no positive results on the business. The author argues why this paradox happens and one theory is that only technology which is in advance and can not be copied is the key to success. And obviously IT does not belong to this category because IT is accessible to everyone.