1.有一种材料supersofte和传统水泥比,价格低,更坚固而且insulated,于是判断采用这宗材料肯定能降低cost,问哪个weaken,我选这种材料按照要求在某些地方要很厚,即使用量大(虽然他比同量水泥结实) 2.还有说航海纪录发现在地中海从来没有人取深海去航行,因为没有这样的记载,最新发现只有在近海出才有残骸,证明了没人去深海,问weaken 3.有一个公司生产了一种新的水泥,好像是"Super..."该水泥可防水等等优点。记不清了 4.保护野生动物的经理们,为了控制河里的鱼的数量,每隔一段时间向河里加一些毒素.有专家说,这毒素会对其他的野生动物的血液系统有一定损害,所以会破坏生态,要停止这个行为.要求WEAKEN该专家的观点.我选的好象是这鱼数量多了以后会如何如何,从而破坏生态。 5.某国货币在以前的两个时间段里因货币对美金比值最低,而在那两个时间段里,该国出口得到大幅上升。如今货币值升了,出口下降了很多,经济也不好。经济学家提出,该国设法减低币值,这样一来就能提高出口,从而提高经济。问WEAKEN,我选只有在货币值在较高的水平时,出口增加,经济才是健康的。 6.说有些人对bright光disorder,但能适应dim的光,又说对bright光里某种光不disorder,问推论? 我选有一种可以过滤bright光里除了某种光之外的其他光的眼镜有助于那些人 7.一道说光的事情,有些人晕眩,我来不及了,按照机经上说,选找副眼镜就可以了 8.对未经处理的大豆设立出口关税那题.说取消关税不利于降低城市失业律.问削弱.选无利可图的农民大量涌入城市. 9.机场拥挤, 从东边出口起飞的飞机占60%,从西边出口起飞的飞机占40%。 为了减轻交通堵塞,管理人员想建在东边建新的出口以缓解压力,问evaluation 10.For similar cars and drivers, automobile insurance for collision damage has always cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont. Police studies, however, show that cars owned by Greatport residents are, on average, slightly less likely to be involved in a collision than cars in Fairmont. Clearly, therefore, insurance companies are making a greater profit on collision-damage insurance in Greatport than in Fairmont. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A. Repairing typical collision damage does not cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont. B. There are no more motorists in Greatport than in Fairmont. C. Greatport residents who have been in a collision are more likely to report it to their insurance company than Fairmont residents are. D. Fairmont and Greatport are the cities with the highest collision-damage insurance rates. E. The insurance companies were already aware of the difference in the likelihood of collisions before the publication of the police reports. 11.有一座吊桥, 有船过的时候升起来,现在为了解决交通问题,打算重建一座新的大桥,能让给多的车辆通行,这作新的大桥的跨度很大,有桥墩支撑的拱桥高度足够绝大多数的船只通行。问这个计划不可能实现的原因。 答:绝大多数船只的宽度大于桥墩之间的宽度。 12.题干和OG上202相似,但做了一些改动 Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat.However, as per capita income in Gortland has risen, per capita consumption of meat has also risen. and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. Therefore, since per capita income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will no increase, Gortland will soon have to import grain. what is an assumption? 选项中没有OG中的正确选项。 我的答案是:assumption that meat imported from other countries will not satisfy Gortland's needs. 13.taxpayer: 在整个美国大陆使用某种杀虫剂是没有必要的, 因为这种杀虫剂针对某种虫类,而这种虫只在夏威夷有。问weaken statement of taxper. 答:美国大陆种的corn 中可能存在某种潜在的虫,可以用这种杀虫剂。 14.某个镇子,打算式使40%制品可生物分解。同时,又有人提议,为了减少landfill的倾倒, 要让80%的制品可以循环使用。如果这两个提议都通过,问什么情况会使至少其中一个提议不能实现。 答:可生物分解的产品都无法循环使用。 15.有一本杂志刊登了某个人的文章,而这个人曾经做过损坏大多数人利益的事。所以,这个杂志刊登这个人的文章的行为,违反了杂志一贯的宗旨“不刊登会损坏公众利益的文章” 问assumption of the conclusion. 答:assumption that曾经损害过公众利益的人不会写有利于公众利益的文章 |