1. 通读整个句子 不要只读句子的划线部分。通读整个句子!选项(A)只是原句的重复,如果你觉得没有任何错误,就选择A。不用担心拼写,大小写或者标点符号是否正确,因为它们不在GMAT考试的范围之内。 2. 通过比较答案来寻找解题思路 GMAT考试是多项选择,所以其中肯定有一个选项是正确的。因此,在你浏览各个选项时,根据各个选项的差异便可以悟出错误之处。 Example "On arriving at the train station, his friends met him and took him immediately to his speaking engagement." 快速浏览以下选项: a) On arriving at the train station, his friends met him and took him immediately to his speaking engagement. b) Arriving at the train station, his friends who met him immediately took him to his speaking engagement. c) When he arrived at the train station, his friends met him and took him immediately to his speaking engagement. d) When he arrived at the train station, he was taken immediately to his speaking engagement. e) After arriving at the train station, he was immediately taken to his speaking engagement. 留意从选项A到E中句子某些部分的变化. a) On arriving at the train station, his friends met him and took him immediately to his speaking engagement. b) Arriving at the train station, his friends who met him immediately took him to his speaking engagement. c) When he arrived at the train station, his friends met him and took him immediately to his speaking engagement. d) When he arrived at the train station, he was taken immediately to his speaking engagement. e) After arriving at the train station, he was immediately taken to his speaking engagement. 其中,黑体的是变化的部分;非黑体部分从头到尾都没变,所以一定没有问题。因此,尽管缩小“包围圈”。C是正确答案,它澄清了修饰语的修饰成分。 3. 排除错误选项 这里,排除法非常重要。只要发现一个错误就果断地排除它。逐渐地,便只剩下一两个选项,如果无法继续排除,尽管猜测。 虽然以上3步法看起来很简单,但它却是你解决所有句子改错题必须用到的步骤。该三步法中的第一步,即理解句子大意,是否顺利要看你的快速阅读和归纳大意的能力。这种能力可以在你平时练习阅读题和逻辑题中得到强化和提高。第二步很简单,只要掌握我们后面向你介绍的句法就行。第三步,即排除错误选项,正是我们本章要讲的重点内容。