
: 英语巴士网英语考试Lsat英语英语考试内容详情


92-2-Sec2-T8: 对原文中的profit应该敏感
93-4-Sec1-T1: 非用户数量和管理员,即比较非用户造成的损失和雇佣管理员的费用。
No.7-3-Sec2-T6: 牛将吃的omeng-3转化
93-4-Sec1-T10: 塑料饭盒从外地流入本地
92-2-Sec5-T9: 垃圾倒在深海会影响浅海的生态环境
92-2-Sec5-T23: 请柬的制作,全是本地所需的。所以本地的聚会是很多的。
94-2-Sec3-T13: 农药在不同的田地间流动了,影响的就不仅仅是原先施农药的地方
No.4-1-Sec1-T9: 丹尼司老太太根据自己学生完成作业的情况断言现在学生的概况。
No.4-1-Sec2-T7: 吸烟与肥胖病人的治疗。
No.4-3-Sec2-T8: 以某个特殊事例断言灵媒是不正确的。
No.5-2-Sec2-T8: 读者是否代表当代人的兴趣。
No.6-3-Sec1-T6: 老师对计算机的兴趣。
No.8-1-Sec1-T8: 年轻人不喜欢60tt。
No.9-5-Sec7-T25: 私企比国企好。P401
91-4-Sec3-T25: 国旗的生产。
92-4-Sec2-T8: 从兽医院得结论说无污染。
92-10-Sec3-T9: The Business Permit Office in Plains County claims that it has reduced
processing time by one week by replacing the old application FORMs, which
applicants filled out on the day of their interview, with mail-in, computer-
readable FORMs and by letting the computer schedule the interviews.
Businesspeople counter that getting a permit now averages a week longer.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy described
County businesses can operate only with a permit, and during each day of
 processing they lose any income they might have generated.
The permit office considers that processing begins after the interview, whereas
 the applicants consider that processing begins when they have submitted
 an application.
There are fewer applicants for permits in the county since the permit office
 instituted the changes.
Computer-readable FORMs have reduced the time necessary for the permit office to
 verify the statements made on applications and have thus reduced the amount of
 time an interview takes.
The FORMat of the application has not changed since the permit office began
 recording applications on the computer
