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6.The introduction of symbols for numbers is an event lost in prehistory, but the earliest known number symbols, in the form of simple grooves and scratches on bones and stones date back 20,000 years or more. Nevertheless, since it was not until 5,500 years ago that systematic methods for writing numerais were invented, it was only then that any sort of computation became possible.

 Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
 (A) Grooves and scratches found on bones and stones were all made by people, and none resulted from natural processes.
 (B) Some kinds of surfaces upon which numeric symbols could have been made in the period before 5,500 years ago were not used for that purpose.
 (C) Grooves and scratches inscribed on bones and stones do not date back to the time of the earliest people.
 (D) Computation of any sort required a systematic method for writing numerals.
 (E) Systematic methods for writing numerals were invented only because the need for computation arose.

 7.Politician: Now that we are finally cleaning up the industrial pollution in the bay, we must start making the bay more accessible to the public for recreational purposes.

 Reporter: But if we increase public access to the bay, it will soon become polluted again.

 Politician: Not true. The public did not have access to the bay, and it got polluted. Therefore, if and when the public is given access to the bay, it will not get polluted.

 Which one of the following most closely parallels the flawed pattern of reasoning in the politician's reply to the reporter?

 (A) If there had been a full moon last night, the tide would be higher than usual today. Since the tide is no higher than usual, there must not have been a full moon last night.
 (B) The detective said that whoever stole the money would be spending it conspicuously by now. Jones is spending money conspicuously, so he must be the thief.
 (C) When prisoners convicted of especially violent crimes were kept in solitary confinement, violence in the prisons increased. Therefore, violence in the prisons will not increase if such prisoners are allowed to mix with fellow prisoners.
 (D) To get a driver's license, one must pass a written test. Smith passed the written test, so she must have gotten a driver's license.
 (E) In order to like abstract art, you have to understand it . therefore, in order to understand abstract art, you have to like it.
 8.Because learned patterns of behavior, such as the association of a green light with "go" or the expectation that switches will flip up for "on" become deeply ingrained designers should make allowances for that fact in order not to produce machines that are inefficient or dangerous.
 In which one of the following situations is the principle expressed most clearly violated?

 (A) Manufacturers have refused to change the standard order of letters on the typewriter keyboard even though some people who have over learned to type find this arrangement of letters bewildering
 (B) Government regulations require that crucial instruments in airplane cockpits-be placed in exactly the same array in all commercial aircraft
 (C) Automobile manufacturers generally design for all of their automobiles a square or oblong lgnition key and a round or oval luggage compartment key.
 (D) The only traffic signs that are triangular in shape are "yield" signs.
 (E) On some tape recorders the "start" button is red and the "stop" button is yellow.

 9.From 1973 to 1989 total energy use in this country increased less than 10percent. However, the use of electrical energy in this country during this same period grew by more than 50 percent as did the gross national product-the total value of all goods and services produced in the nation.If the statements above are true, then which one of the following must also be true?

 (A) Most of the energy used in this country in 1989 was electrical energy.
 (B) From 1973 to 1989 there was a decline in the use of energy other than electrical energy in this country.
 (C) From 1973 to 1989 there was an increase in the proportion of energy use in this country that consisted of electrical energy use
 (D) In 1989 electrical energy constituted a larger proportion of the energy used to produce the gross national product than did any other form of energy.
 (E) In 1973 the electrical energy that was produced constituted a smaller proportion of the gross national product than did all other forms of energy combined.

 10. A fundamental illusion in robotics is the belief that improvements in robots will liberate humanity from "hazardous and demeaning work" Englineers are designing only those types of robots that can be properly maintained with the least expensive, least skilied human labor possible. Therefore, robots will not eliminate demeaning work-only substitute one type of demeaning work for another.

 The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to the criticism that it

 (A) ignores the consideration that in a competitive business environment some jobs might be eliminated if robots are not used in the manufacturing process
 (B) assumes what it sets out to prove, that robots create demeaning work.
 (C) Does not specify whether or not the engineers who design robots consider their work demeaning
 (D) Attempts to support its conclusion by an appeal to the emotion of fear, which is often experienced by people faced with the prospect of losing their jobs to robots
 (E) Fails to address the possibility that the amount of demeaning work eliminated by robots might be significantly greater than the amount they create
