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(20) originally passed off as Greek. In medieval Europe. because art was  celebrated more for its devotional uses than for its provenance or the  ingenuity of its creators the faking of art was virtually nonexistent. The  modern age of faking began in the ltalian Renaissance, with

(25) two linked developments a passionate identification with the world of  antiquity and a growing sense of individual artistie identity A patron of the  young Michelangelo prevailed upon the artist to make his Seulpture Sleeping  Chpld look as though it had been

(30) buried in the earth so that "it will be taken for antique, and you will sell it  much better." Within a few years however beginning with his first masterpiece  the Bacchus, Michelangelo had shown his contemporaries that great art can  assimilate and transcend what came

(35) before resulting in a wholly original work. Soon his genius made him the  object of imitators.

 Fake? also reminds us that in certain cuitures authenticity is a foreign  concept This is true of much African art when the authenticity of an object is

(40) considered by collectors to depend on its function As an illustration, the  study commpares two versions of a chi wara mask made by the Bambara  people of Mali One has pegs allowing it to be attached to a cap for its  intended ceremonial purpose. The second, otherwise

(45) identical, lacks the pegs and is a replica made for sale African carving is  notoriously difficult to date, but even if the ritual mask is recent, made  perhaps to replace a damaged predecessor, and the replica much older, only  the ritual mask should be seen as authentic

(50) for it is tied to the form s original function. That at least is the consensus of  the so-called experts. One wonders whether the Bambaran artists would  agree

21. The passage can best be described as doing which one of the following?

(A) recondciling varied points of view
(B) chronicling the evolution of a phenomenon
(C) exploring a complex question
(D) advocating a new approach
(E) rejecting an inadequate explanation

22. Which one of the following best expresses the author s main point?

(A) The faking of art has occurred throughout history and in virtually every culture.
(B) Whether a work of art is fake or not is less important than whether it has artistic merit
(C) It is possible to show that a work of art is fake, but the authenticity of a work cannot be proved conclusively
(D) A variety of circumstances make it difficult to determine whether a work of art can appropriately be called a fake
(E) Without an international market to support it, the faking of art would cease.

23. According to the passage an artwork can be definitively classified as a fake if the person who created it

(A) consciously adopted the artistic style of an influential mentor
(B) deliberately imitated a famous work of art as a learning exercise
(C) wanted other people to be fooled by its appearance
(D) made multiple, identical copies of the work available for sale
(E) made the work resemble the art of an earlier era.

24. The author provides at least one example of each of the following EXCEPT:

(A) categories of art that are neither wholly fake not wholly original
(B) cultures in which the faking of art flourished
(C) qualities that art collectors have prized in their acquisitions
(D) cultures in which the categories "fake" and "original" do not apply
(E) contemporary artists whose works have inspired fakes

25. The author implies which one of the following about the artistie merits of fakes?

(A) Because of the circumstances of its production a fake cannot be said to have true artistic merit
(B) A fake can be said to have artistic merit only if the attempted deception is successful
(C) A fake may or may not have artistic merit in its own right, regardless of the circumstances of its production
(D) Whether a fake has artistic merit depends on whether its creator is accomplished as an artist
(E) The artistic merit of a fake depends on the merit of the original work that inspited the fake

26. By the standard described in the last paragraph of the passage, which one of the following would be considered authentic?

(A) an ancient Roman copy of an ancient Greek sculpture
(B) a painting begun by Renaissance master and finished by his assistants after his death
(C) a print of a painting signed by the artist who painted the original
(D) a faithful replica of a ceremonial crown that preserves all the details of and is indistinguishable from the original
(E) a modern reconstruction of a medieval altarpiece designed to serve its traditional role in a service of worship

22. Which one of the following best describes how the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage?

(A) It offers a tentative answer to a question posed by the author in the opening paragraph
(B) It summarizes an account provided in detail in the preceding paragraph
(C) It provides additional support for an argument advanced by the author in the preceding paragraph
(D) It examines another facet of a distinction developed in the preceding paragraphs
(E) It affirms the general principle enunciated at the beginning of the passage
