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Questions 7-8

Political advocate: Campaigns for elective office should be subsidized with public funds. One reason is that this would allow politicians to devote less time to fund-raising thus giving campaigning incumbents more time to serve the public. Asecond reason is that such subsidies would make it possible to set caps on individual campaign contributions. thereby reducing the likelihood that elected officials will be working for the benefit not of the publie but of individual large contilbutors

Gitle: This argument is problematie the more the caps constrain contributions the more time candidates have to spend finding more small contributors

7. The critie objects that the advocate s argument is flawed because

(A) any resourceful large contributor can circumvent caps on individual contributions by sending in smaller amounts under various names
(B) one of the projected results cited in support of the proposal made is entailed by the other and therefore does not constitute mdependent support of the proposal
(C) of the two projected results cited in support of the proposal made one works against the other
(D) it overlooks the possibility that lareg contributors will stop contributing if they cannot contribute at will
(E) it overlooks the possibility that incumbents with a few extremely generous contributors will be hit harder by caps than incumbents with many moderately genetous contributors.

8. Which one of the following prickples if established provides a basis for the advocate s argument

(A) If complete reliance on private funding of some activity keeps the public from enjoying a benefit that could be provided if public funds were used such public funds should be provided
(B) If election campaigns are to be fended from public funds terms of office for elected officials should be lengthened.
(C) If in an election campaign large contributions flow primarily to one candidate public funds should be used to support the campaigns of that candiate s rivals
(D) If public funding of some activity produces a benefit to the public but also inevitably a special benefit for specific individuals, the activity should not be fully funded publicly but in part by the individuals deriving the special benefit.
(E) If a person would not have run for office in the absence of public campaign subsidies this person should not be eligible for any such subsidies.

9. Novice bird-watcher 1 don t know much about animal track s but I do know that birds typically have four toes and most birds have three toes pointing forward and one toe pointing backward Since this track was made by an animal with four toes of which three point forward and one points backward we can conclude it was made by some kind of bird

The argument is flawed because it

(A) relies on the vagueness of the term "track"
(B) does not define birds as animals with for toes
(C) fails to identify what kind of bird might have made the track
(D) does not establish that only a bird could have made the track
(E) depends on evidence about an individual bird rather than about birds in general

10. Psychologists have claimed that many people are more susceptible to psychological problems in the winter than in the summer, the psychologists call this condition seasonal affective disorder Their claim is based on the results of surveys in which people were asked to recall how they felt at various times in the past However, it is not clear that people are able to report accurately on their past psychological states Therefore these survey results do not justify the psychologists claim that there is any such condition as seasonal affective disorder

The author criticizes the psychologists claim by

(A) offering an alternative explanation of the variation in the occurrence of psychological problems across seasons
(B) questioning whether any seasonal variation in the occurrence of psychological problems could properly be labeled a disorder
(C) questioning the representativeness of the poplation sample surveyed by the psychologists
(D) questioning an assumption chat the author attributes to the psychologists
(E) demonstrating that fewer people actually suffer from seasonal affective disorder than psychologists had previously thought

11. Unless the residents of Glan Hills band together, the proposal to rezone that city will be approved. If it is the city will be able to build the water and sewer systems that developers need in order to construct apartment houses there. These buildings would attract new residents. and the increased population would probably result in overerowded schools and would certainly result in roads so congested that new roads would be built. Neither new roads nor additional schools could be built without substantial tax increases for the residents of Glen Hills, Utimately this growth might even destroy the rural atmosphere that makes Glen Hills so attractive

Which one of the following can be properly concluded from the passage?

(A) If the citizens of Glen Hills band together. developers will not build apartment houses
(B) If developers build apartment houses in Glen Hills, there will be substantial tax increases for the residents of Glen Hills
(C) If the rezoning proposal does not pass the rural atmosphere in Glen Hills will not be lost
(D) If developers do not build apartment houses in Glen Hills, the taxes of the residents of Glen Hills will not increase substantially
(E) If developers do not build apartment houses in Glen Hills. the schools of Glen Hills will not be overerowded and roads will not be congested

12. One year ago a local government initiated an antismoking advertising campaign in local newspapers which it financed by imposing a tax on cigarettes of 20 cents per pack One year later the number of people in the locality who smoke cigarettes had declined by 3 percent Clearly what was said in the advertisements had an effect although a small one on the number of people in the locality who smoke cigarettes

Which one of the folloiwng, if true, most helps to strengthen argument?

(A) Residents of the locality have not increased their use of other tobacco products such as snuff and chewing tobacco since the campaign went into effect
(B) A substantial number of cigarette smokers in the locality who did not quit smoking during the campaign now smoke less than they did before it began
(C) Admissions to the local hospital for chronic respiratory ailments were down by 15 percent one year after the campaign began
(D) Merchants in the locality responded to the local tax by reducing the price at which they sold cigarettes by 20 cents per pack
(E) Smokers in the locality had incomes that on average were 25 percent lower than those of nonsmokers

13. No projects that involve historical restorations were granted building permits this month. Since some of the current projects of the firm of Stein and Sapin are historical restorations,at least some of Stein and Sapin s projects were not granted building permits this month.

The pattern of reasoning in the argument above is most similar to that in which one of the following?

(A) None of the doctors working at City Hospital were trained abroad So. although some hospitals require doctors trained abroad to pass an extra qualifying exam, until now, at least, this has not been an issue for City Hospital
(B) None of the news reports from the economic summit meeting have been encouraging Since some other recent economic reports have showed positive trends, however at least some of the economic news is encouraging at this time.
(C) None of the new members of the orchestra have completed their paperwork Since only those people who have completed their paperwork can be paid this week at least some of the new members of the orchestra are likely to be paid late
(D) Several films directed by Hannah Barker were released this season, but none of the films released this season were enthusiastically reviewed Therefore at least some of Hannah Barker s films have on received enthusiastic reviews
(E) Some of the city s most beautiful parks are not larger than few acres and some of the parks only a few acres in size are among the city s oldest Therefore, some of city s most beautiful parks are also its oldest parks

14. Many artists claim that art crities find it is easier to write about art that they dislike than to write about art that they like. Whether or not this hypothesis is correct, most art criticism is devoted to art works that fail to satisfy the critic. Hence it follows that most art criticism is devoted to works other than the greatest works of art.

The conclusion above is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?

(A) No art critie enjoys writing about art works that he or she dislikes intensely
(B) All art crities find it difficult to discover art works that truly satisfy them
(C) A work of art that receives extensive critical attention can thereby become more widely known than it otherwise would have been
(D) The greatest works of art are never recognized as such until long after the time of their creation
(E) The greatest works of art are works that inevitably satisfy all crities.

15. Babies who can hear and have hearing parents who expose them to speech begin to babble at a certain age as a precursor to speaking. In the same way, deaf babies with deaf parents who communicate with them and with each other by signing begin to babble in signs at the same age. That is, they make repetitive hand gestures that constitute, within the language systme of signs, the analogue of repeated syllables in speech.

The information above, if accurate, can best be used as evidence against which one of the following hypotheses?

(A) Names of persons or things are the simplest words in a language, since babies use them before using the names of actions or processes
(B) The development of language competency in babies depends primarily on the physical maturation of the vocal tract a process that requires speech-oriented vocal activity
(C) In the absence of adults who communicate with each other in their presence, babies develop idiosyncratic languages
(D) In babbling babies are unaware that the sound or gesture combinations they use can be employed in a purposive way.
(E) The making of hand gestures by hearing babies who have hearing parents should be interpreted as a part of their developing language.

16. Each of the elements of Girelli s recently completed design for a university library is copied from a different one of several historic libraries. The design includes various features from Classical Greek, Islamic, Mogul, and Romanesque structures. Since no one element in the design is original, it follows that the design of the library cannot be considered original.

Which one of the following is a reasoning error made in the argument?

(A) assuming that because something is true of each of the parts of a whole it is true of the whole itself.
(B) generalizing illegitimately from a few instances of a certain kind to all instances of that kind.
(C) concluding that an unknown instance of a phenomenon must have all the properties of the known instances
(D) presupposing that alternatives that can be true separately cannot be true together
(E) deriving a factual conclusion from evidence derived from reports of aesthetic preferences
