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Questions 18-19

Like a number of other articles, Ian Raghall's article relied on a recent survey in which over half the couples applying for divorces listed “money” as a major problem in their marriages. Raghall's conclusion from the survey data is that financial problems are the major problem in marriages and an important factor contributing to high divorce rate. Yet couples often express other types of marital frustrations in financial terms. Despite appearances, the survey data do not establish that financial problems are the major problem in contemporary marriages.

18. Which one of the following sentences best expresses the main point of the passage?

(A) Financial problems are not an important factor contributing to the divorce rate.

(B) Marital problems are more easily solved by marriage counselors than by married couples on their own.

(C) The conclusion drawn in Raghall's article is inadequately justified.

(D) Over half the couples applying for divorces listed money as a major problem in their marriages.

(E) Many articles wrongly claim that financial problems are the major factor contributing to the divorce rate.

19. In the passage, the author does which one of the following?

(A) undermines a conclusion drawn from statistical data by offering a specific counterexample

(B) undermines a conclusion drawn from statistical data by offering an alternative explanation for some of the data.

(C) undermines a conclusion drawn from statistical data by showing that one cannot prove the presence of an emotion by using statistical methods.

(D) undermines a conclusion drawn from statistical data by criticizing the survey for which the data was gathered.

(E) undermines a conclusion by showing that couples cannot accurately describe their own problems.

20. In Brazil, side-by-side comparisons of Africanized honeybees and the native honeybees have shown that the Africanized bees are far superior honey producers. Therefore, there is no reason to fear that domestic commercial honey production will decline in the United States if local honeybees are displaced by Africanized honeybees.

Each of the following, if true, would weaken the argument EXCEPT:

(A) The honeybees native to Brazil are not of the same variety as those most frequently used in the commercial beekeeping industry in the United States.

(B) Commercial honey production is far more complicated and expensive with Africanized honeybees than it is with the more docile honeybees common in the United States.

(C) If Africanized honeybees replace local honeybees, certain types of ornamental trees will be less effectively pollinated.

(D) In the United States a significant proportion of the commercial honey supply comes from hobby beekeepers, many of whom are likely to abandon beekeeping with the influx of Africanized bees.

(E) The area of Brazil where the comparative study was done is far better suited to the foraging habits of the Africanized honeybees than are most areas of the United States.

21. The public is well aware that high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of stroke caused by blood clots. But a recent report concludes that people with low blood cholesterol levels are at increased risk of the other lethal type of stroke – cerebral hemorrhage, caused when a brain artery bursts. The report suggests that because blood cholesterol plays a vital role in maintaining cell membranes, low blood cholesterol weakens artery walls, making them prone to rupture. The conclusion thus supports a long-standing contention by Japanese researchers that Western diets better protect against cerebral hemorrhage than do non-Western diets.

The argument is based on which one of the following assumptions?

(A) Western diets are healthier than non-Western diets.

(B) Western diets result in higher blood cholesterol levels than do non-Western diets.

(C) High blood cholesterol levels preclude the weakening of artery walls.

(D) Cerebral hemorrhages are more dangerous than strokes caused by blood clots.

(E) People who have low blood pressure are at increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

22. Public reports by national commissions, governors' conference, and leadership groups have stressed the great need for better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry. If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, the need is undesirable. If there is such a need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs, then all of our new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

(A) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

(B) If new teachers are prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(C) If there is better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(D) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then there is no need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs.

(E) Public reports from various groups and commissions have stressed the need for a more international orientation in the education of teachers.
